What is itThis server hopper is like any other, when activated, a DFrame will open up displaying all enabled servers in the config file, as well as a connect button and a copy IP to clipboard button
You can "activate" the window in multiple ways:
One, by standing on the platform, which I'll explain later in this post
Secondly, via the various commands, which are under the Commands heading in this post
CommandsChat Commands:"!servers" - "/servers" - "!hopper" - "/hopper": All do the same thing: open the server hopper window via a chat command.
Console Commands:"hopper_setpos" - sets the position of the platform to where the user is standing. By default, only users with the superadmin group can use this command. All positions are saved to a data file for each map for easy "memory," as I call it. Using this command WILL override any previously set position for the given map.
"hopper_spawn" - spawns & places the platform at its set position on the current map. By default, only users with the admin group and above can use this command
"hopper_getpos" - prints to the users chat where the platform is set to spawn for the current map. Any user can access this command.
"hopper_remove" - removes the platform from the map. By default, only users with superadmin access can use this command. This does not unsave the position of the platform.
"hopper_info" - prints information about the addon to the users console.
To Do - Add slightly more configuration to the addon (ex: title of the DFrame, permissions for console commands, etc.)
- Make the title of the DFrame look better
- Figure out how to put floating text above the platform to advertise that it's the server hopper platform
What is the PlatformThe "platform," as I have called it a few times throughout this post, is nothing more than a default prop with purple coloring on it (models/props_phx/construct/plastic/plastic_angle_360.mdl, to be exact)
I would've made my own model for it but
I am at modellingAnyway, standing on this platform will activate the hopper window.
Don't worry about the obvious bugs like standing on it will spam the opening of thousands of windows per second, or closing the window instantly bringing it back up. I've taken steps to eliminate the first problem and done as much as I could think of to eliminate the second
Known Bugs:N/A
Pictures:Window front and center, platform slightly visibile at the bottom:
http://i.imgur.com/clZzUHr.jpgMight add more pictures later, running low on time right now
Download file is attached to this post