Author Topic: ulx menu not loading.  (Read 1364 times)

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Offline Lozengen (Leo Jen)

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ulx menu not loading.
« on: June 06, 2015, 10:00:51 PM »
Hey guys,
Having this weird problem with ulx atm. this has never happened before however when a client joins it usually says
Code: [Select]
//  ULX GUI -- Made by Stickly Man!  //
// Loading GUI Modules...            //
//   bans.lua                        //
//   commands.lua                    //
//   groups.lua                      //
//   maps.lua                        //
//   settings.lua                    //
// Loading Setting Modules...        //
//   client.lua                      //
//   server.lua                      //
// Loading Gamemode Module(s)...     //
//   sandbox.lua                     //
// Modules Loaded!                   //

and they are able to open the menu. However lately on start up i can't access the menu and that code doesn't pop up in the ingame console. Im able to fix this for myself by re-adding my self to superadmin with
Code: [Select]
rcon ulx adduser "leo" superadmin then it displays that box of modules. This is really weird i've tried to a fresh install of the server and ulx. Still nothing has worked :(.
note: i know its just the menu because all the commands still work.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2015, 10:07:08 PM by Lozengen (Leo Jen) »