Author Topic: Custom ULX Commands?  (Read 7638 times)

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Offline iViscosity

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Custom ULX Commands?
« on: June 22, 2015, 01:09:43 AM »
So I recently purchased a server and I'm pretty new to the whole coding scene, I know some basic Lua and I'm pretty good at html, but I need some help with making new commands (this is for gmod TTT btw).  Basically I want to make a command that when you type !workshop that will bring people to the workshop for our group so they can download everything in there, I already have a resources.lua but I excluded some of the larger files for downloading time reasons.  How would I be able to make a command that does that?
I'm iViscosity. I like gaming and programming. Need some help? Shoot me PM.

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array_keys(): Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array, null given