Author Topic: Godmode killing  (Read 1833 times)

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Offline DoubleYouCash

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Godmode killing
« on: June 28, 2015, 09:41:56 AM »
Hello, i just recently started up a server using ulx. I have made it so all players have access to !god. is there a way to make it so they cant kill people in godmode? This is mostly meant for people who want to build, but pvp is for people who all can die.  Thanks for any help you have!

Offline Buzzkill

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Re: Godmode killing
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2015, 10:20:13 AM »
:)  Not a trivial task.  Below is what I've built up over the last few months to handle (ie, prevent) killing while in God Mode.  There are lots of considerations including ranged weapons that don't inherit parent ownership properly, preventing prop damage etc. It's never really 100%, but below is close.  I think this is completely self contained, but let me know if you run into problems.

* If user is in God Mode and attempts to damage / kill, he/she will receive a HUD notification that you cannot damage in God Mode.  Damage will be dropped.
* Place in ../addons/thab_local/lua/ulib/modules/thab_god.lua
*  (alternatively, ../addons/<anynameyouwant>/lua/ulib/modules/anynameyouwant.lua)

Code: [Select]

if SERVER then

util.AddNetworkString( "GodCheckMsg" )

-- player-specific function.  Is this redundant?
function THABHandleGodDamagePlayer(ent, att)

local dbg = false

local target = ent
local attacker = att

if dbg then
print( "------------------Inside THABHandleGodDamagePlayer-------------------" )
print( "target = ", target )
print( "attacker = ", attacker  )
print( "attacker Parent = ", attacker:GetParent()  )
print( "attacker Owner = ", attacker:GetOwner()  )
print( "attacker CPPIGetOwner = ", attacker:CPPIGetOwner()  )

local targetOwner = target
local attackerOwner = attacker

-- get the player attacker involved
if not attacker:IsPlayer() then
attackerOwner = attacker:CPPIGetOwner()

if dbg then
print( "(ply) ", attackerOwner, " is player attacking (ply) ", targetOwner )

if attackerOwner == nil then
-- we have a situation where the attacker is not determined.  Likely a worldspawn, tank shell or thrown weapon.  Let's just kill it for now.
local ignoreAttack = false

if attacker != nil then
if attacker:GetClass() == "m9k_thrown_knife" then ignoreAttack = true end -- unowned thrown knife.  Kill it
if attacker:GetClass() == "ent_sky_daedricarrow" then ignoreAttack = true end -- unowned thrown knife.  Kill it

if ignoreAttack then
if dbg then print("1 Player Attack was dropped due to undetermined attacker") end
print ("1 Player Attack by ", attackerOwner,":",attacker, " on ", targetOwner,":", target, " using ", inflictor," was ignored.")
return false
return  -- we know attackerOwner is nil.  Just return. We can't do anything else interesting.

if attackerOwner==targetOwner then return end  -- ignore self inflicted damage

-- attackerOwner has godmode or is noclipped
if attackerOwner:IsPlayer() then
if attackerOwner:HasGodMode() then
net.Start( "GodCheckMsg" )
net.Send( attackerOwner )
if dbg then print("Player Attack was dropped due to attacker godmode") end
return false

if attackerOwner:GetMoveType() == MOVETYPE_NOCLIP and not attackerOwner:InVehicle() then
net.Start( "GodCheckMsg" )
net.Send( attackerOwner )
if dbg then print("Attack was dropped due to attacker noclip") end
return false

-- targetOwner has god mode.  Remove the damage regardless of whether or not we have a defined owner.
if targetOwner:HasGodMode() then
if attackerOwner:IsPlayer() then
net.Start( "GodCheckMsg" )
net.Send( attackerOwner )
if dbg then print("Player Attack was dropped due to target godmode") end
return false

hook.Add( "PlayerShouldTakeDamage", "THAB.PlayerShouldTakeDamage.GodMode", THABHandleGodDamagePlayer, -15 )

-- any entity, check for damage
function THABHandleGodDamage( ent, dmginfo  )

local dbg = false

local target = ent
local inflictor = dmginfo:GetInflictor()
local attacker = dmginfo:GetAttacker()

if dbg then
print( "------------------Inside THABHandleGodDamage (EntityTakeDamage) -------------------" )
print( "target = ", target )
print( "dmginfo = ", dmginfo )
print( "attacker = ", attacker  )
print( "attacker Parent = ", attacker:GetParent()  )
print( "attacker Owner = ", attacker:GetOwner()  )
print( "attacker CPPIGetOwner = ", attacker:CPPIGetOwner()  )
print( "inflictor = ", inflictor  )

local targetOwner = target
local attackerOwner = attacker

-- get the player victim involved (target or target's owner
if not target:IsPlayer() then
targetOwner = target:CPPIGetOwner()

-- get the player attacker involved
if not attacker:IsPlayer() then
attackerOwner = attacker:CPPIGetOwner()

if dbg then
print( "(ply) ", attackerOwner, " is attacking (ply) ", targetOwner )

if attackerOwner == nil then
-- we have a situation where the attacker is not determined.  Likely a worldspawn, tank shell or thrown weapon.  Let's just kill it for now.
local ignoreAttack = false

if attacker != nil and attacker:GetClass() != nil then
if attacker:GetClass() == "m9k_thrown_knife" then ignoreAttack = true end -- unowned thrown knife.  Kill it
if attacker:GetClass() == "ent_sky_daedricarrow" then ignoreAttack = true end -- unowned thrown knife.  Kill it

if ignoreAttack then
if dbg then print("2 Attack was dropped due to undetermined attacker") end
print ("2 Attack by ", attackerOwner,":",attacker, " on ", targetOwner,":", target, " using ", inflictor," was dropped.")
return false
return  -- we know attackerOwner is nil.  Just return. We can't do anything else interesting.

if targetOwner == nil then return end
if attackerOwner==targetOwner then return end  -- ignore self inflicted damage

-- attackerOwner has godmode or is noclipped
if attackerOwner:IsPlayer() then
if attackerOwner:HasGodMode() then
net.Start( "GodCheckMsg" )
net.Send( attackerOwner )
if dbg then print("Attack was dropped due to attacker godmode") end
return false

if attackerOwner:GetMoveType() == MOVETYPE_NOCLIP and not attackerOwner:InVehicle() then
net.Start( "GodCheckMsg" )
net.Send( attackerOwner )
if dbg then print("Attack was dropped due to attacker noclip") end
return false

-- targetOwner has god mode.  Remove the damage regardless of whether or not we have a defined owner.
if !target:IsNPC() and targetOwner:IsPlayer() then
if targetOwner:HasGodMode() then
if attackerOwner:IsPlayer() then
net.Start( "GodCheckMsg" )
net.Send( attackerOwner )
if dbg then print("Attack was dropped due to target godmode") end
return false

hook.Add( "EntityTakeDamage", "THAB.EntityTakeDamage.GodMode", THABHandleGodDamage, -15)


function csayDrawThab( amsg)
color = Color( 255, 255, 40, 255 )
duration = 2
fade = 0.5
start = CurTime()
msg = amsg
hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "drawToScreen2", drawToScreen2 )

function drawToScreen2()
local alpha = 255
local dtime = CurTime() - start
if dtime > duration then -- Our time has come :'(
hook.Remove( "HUDPaint", "drawToScreen2" )
--if fade - dtime > 0 then -- beginning fade
-- alpha = (fade - dtime) / fade -- 0 to 1
-- alpha = 1 - alpha -- Reverse
-- alpha = alpha * 255
--if duration - dtime < fade then -- ending fade
-- alpha = (duration - dtime) / fade -- 0 to 1
-- alpha = alpha * 255
color.a = alpha
--draw.DrawText( msg, "CloseCaption_Bold", ScrW() * 0.5, ScrH() * 0.20, color, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER )
draw.SimpleTextOutlined( msg, "CloseCaption_Bold", ScrW() * 0.5, ScrH() * 0.20, color, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color( 100, 100, 100, 200 ) )

net.Receive( "GodCheckMsg", function( len )
local msg = net.ReadString()
local txt = ""

if msg=="god" then
txt = "No damage. You're in god mode!"
elseif msg=="noclip" then
txt = "No damage. You're in noclip!"
elseif msg=="god2" then
txt = "No damage. Target is in god mode!"
end )

« Last Edit: June 28, 2015, 06:12:16 PM by Buzzkill »

Offline Buzzkill

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Re: Godmode killing
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2015, 10:21:45 AM »
Above also eliminates damage while in noclip.  If you don't want that, remove this section..

Code: [Select]
if attackerOwner:GetMoveType() == MOVETYPE_NOCLIP and not attackerOwner:InVehicle() then
net.Start( "GodCheckMsg" )
net.Send( attackerOwner )
if dbg then print("Attack was dropped due to attacker noclip") end
return false