Ulysses Stuff > Releases
Chat Cosmetics
Naruu # Mr. Pink:
--- Quote from: AlliedForces on August 09, 2015, 12:49:47 PM ---i put this into my addons folder and nothing worked. a little help please
--- End quote ---
Change the file name to "chatcosmetics" ;)
Naruu # Mr. Pink:
I have a issue :'(
On my server I installed the addon simple commands, and when I write !commands in the chat, the tag does not work :(
--- Code: ---[ERROR] addons/chatcosmetics/lua/autorun/client/cl_chattags.lua:47: bad argument #1 to 'find' (string expected, got nil)
1. find - [C]:-1
2. fn - addons/chatcosmetics/lua/autorun/client/cl_chattags.lua:47
3. unknown - addons/ulib/lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:179
--- End code ---
I tested else with other custom commands (example: !jail, !kick, !reportadmin) the tag works !
It's very annoying :(
You can work with Zmaster to fix this issue please ::) ?
[ LittleBigBug_ ]:
I am very sorry for not responding.. I actually completely forgot I posted here *facepalm*
Well I would like everyone to post their issues on my github: www.github.com/LittleBigBug/chat-cosmetics
And @Naruu:
Hm. I can see how I can fix this problem. Give me a moment.
Try now. I just updated my github repo.
[ LittleBigBug_ ]:
--- Quote from: Radek on July 30, 2015, 03:21:09 AM ---Cool stuff! You get my compliment. When you mentioned:
Speaking of that, maybe you could add the possibility to add multi-colors like here? Making the whole text change color over time is not possible to do without a custom chatbox afaik. Just incase you're curious, the rainbow text as seen in the image is not a lua script, it's an E2 that takes advantage of a custom E2 function called ChatPrint.
--- End quote ---
I'll put that on my todo list
The chat doesnt work at all and i get this error:
--- Code: ---[ERROR] addons/chat-cosmetics-master/lua/autorun/client/cl_chattags.lua:20: attempt to index global 'CUConfig' (a nil value)
1. fn - addons/chat-cosmetics-master/lua/autorun/client/cl_chattags.lua:20
2. Call - addons/ulib/lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:179
3. func - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/chat/cl_chat.lua:28
4. unknown - lua/includes/extensions/net.lua:32
--- End code ---
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