Ulysses Stuff > Releases

911 Reports for DarkRP

(1/3) > >>

What is it
This is a quick script I randomly decided to make yesterday. Any player can type "!911" into chat with a report that all players with specific jobs will see in a notification.
(I will explain the command better later in the post). The notification window will be shown in a DFrame on the right side of the screen of users if their job is allowed to see it.

Chat commands: "!911" or "/911": Arguments: 1
Example: "!911 bad stuff is happening at spawn"
Example: "/911 my house is being robbed"
1. There is a maximum of 32 characters for the "report/reason" (first argument)
2. If a reason/report is not supplied, the report will not be submitted

To Do:
Nothing ATM (feel free to suggest something that I may have missed)

Known Bugs:
Nothing ATM (feel free to reply to this thread letting me know about bugs for me to fix)

Notification window + chat command: http://i.imgur.com/8sZvqxZ.jpg
What is shown in chat upon clicking "Respond": http://i.imgur.com/CEyHv60.png
The yellow message is only shown to the person who clicked "Respond"
The blue and white message is shown to all users who are able to see the notification window

There is one configuration file
All you need to do there is list the jobs that you want to be able to see/ignore/respond to 911 reports


--- Code: ---1.2 (9/1/15):
 - Fixed bug that was created upon updating to version 1.1 --all custom commands "should" work now

1.1 (8/30/2015):
 - Added line in config file to set the chat command

1.0 (6/27/2015):
 - Initial release
--- End code ---

The addon file is attached to this post as a .zip file
I think you need to be signed in to download it?

hello fisrt thing Thanks for that its great and second thing i want to modify the command (not using 911 in my country XD) but it don't work how can i do it ?


--- Quote from: andrews on August 24, 2015, 06:39:52 AM ---hello fisrt thing Thanks for that its great and second thing i want to modify the command (not using 911 in my country XD) but it don't work how can i do it ?

--- End quote ---

Sorry, I was on vacation and wasn't able to update the addon until now.
I've added a small spot in the config file for you to change what the chat command is, new file is attached to the OP.

You should have this teleport the 'responding admin' to the location of the player who submitted the call.


--- Quote from: MrPresident on September 01, 2015, 10:39:35 AM ---You should have this teleport the 'responding admin' to the location of the player who submitted the call.

--- End quote ---
This addon is more for CPs/police than admins, though I guess I could have it use two modes (1:Police, 2:Staff)
I probably wouldn't get around to doing that anytime soon. I've been working with Java a lot lately rather than Lua

PS: Addon updated to version 1.2 --check changelog in OP for changes


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