-- Add users here, in the following format:
-- addUser( <steamid>, <access flags> )
-- Example:
-- addUser( "STEAM_0:1:1234567", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuz" )
-- Access flags:
-- a - immunity (can't be kicked/baned/slayed/slaped and affected by other commmands)
-- b - reservation (can join on reserved slots) ( NOT IMPLEMENTED )
-- c - ulx_kick command
-- d - ulx_ban and ulx_unban commands
-- e - ulx_slay and ulx_slap commands
-- f - ulx_map command
-- g - ulx_cvar command (not all cvars will be available)
-- h - ulx_cfg command
-- i - ulx_chat and other chat commands
-- j - ulx_vote and other vote commands
-- k - access to sv_password cvar (by ulx_cvar command)
-- l - access to ulx_rcon command and rcon_password cvar (by ulx_cvar command)
-- m - spawned props will be "protected", only other users with this access will be able to delete them ( ALSO UNAFFECTED BY PROP ANTI SPAM )
-- n - custom level A
-- o - custom level B
-- p - custom level C
-- q - custom level D
-- r - custom level E
-- s - custom level F
-- t - custom level G
-- u - custom level H
-- z - custom level I
addUser( "STEAM_0:1:-------", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuz" )
adduser( "STEAM_0:1:-------", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuz" )
adduser( "STEAM_0:0:-------", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuz" )
Doesn't work for the guy, still. He says he sees only 3 commands when he types "ulx_help" and says insufficiant privilages when he tries to change maps.