I realized that too after looking at the code. Thanks! I changed both on my server and ban time to 60 mins.
I think it should changed to public by default and maybe ban time to 24 hours (like the
Vote Kick (+ Ban) script by Luk0r). No reason to be admin only when admins can just use
ulx kick or
ulx ban. I can see reasons to combine the !votekick and !voteban (ulx votekick and ulx voteban) like Luk0r did or keep them separate. It would be up to the ULX dev team of course. Just my thoughts on the next release.
I would actually use Luk0r's but the new vote commands conflict with it. Everyone is used to the phrases and changing them to something different would be more work, so I just kept it out after I updated. Don't get me wrong tho, I do like the new features.