So i have a new darkrp server and i thought i set up the ranks properly. I have these ranks *In order from highest to lowest* (Owner, Developer, Superadmin, Admin, Operator, EVIP+, EVIP, VIP, User) I need help setting not permissions but targeting because i want superadmin to be able to physgun people under them, so admin operator and so on. I want the owner to be untouched, and the Developer only to be touched by the owner.
This is how im doing it so far. user has a target of !%vip, vip has a target of !%evip, evip has a target of !%evip, evip has a target of !%operator, operator has a target of !%admin, admin has a target of !%superadmin, superadmin has a target of !%developer, developer has a target of !%owner, and owner has a target of *.
I dont know what im doing wrong but operators are allowed to shove around the owner at will and its sort of annoying. i have paid people to do this for me before, but now i think its time that i learn how to set up these myself. These are going to be the only ranks on the server, besides maybe others that are below the frame of admin. like trusted or something i dont know
Also, directly in front of 2 ranks i want a + rank to mean donator admin EX. Admin+, Admin, Operator+, Operator
Helping me do this will mean alot ULX team, i know its simple and you guys are facepalmin at this threads existence but helping me with this would mean alot to me and my server.
Thank you