how do i do this with the newer way of creating a job like this
Team_Scouts = DarkRP.createJob("Division Scout", {
color = Color(0, 0, 0, 255),
model = {"models/player/Group03/male_01.mdl","models/player/Group03/male_02.mdl","models/player/Group03/male_03.mdl","models/player/Group03/male_04.mdl"},
description = [[You are a scout for the Division and you us long range snipers and camouflage to scout areas.]],
weapons = {"m9k_m24"},
command = "Scout",
max = 10,
salary = 250,
admin = 0,
vote = false,
hasLicense = true,
candemote = true,
-- CustomCheck
medic = false,
chief = false,
mayor = false,
hobo = false,
cook = false,
category = "Divsion Scout",