Author Topic: How to access UTime hours.  (Read 11912 times)

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Offline Aharon Tager

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How to access UTime hours.
« on: August 15, 2015, 09:35:08 PM »
Hey, I'm trying to make a command to view a players hours on a server with ulx and utime installed. I don't have access to a test server, so I was wondering if anyone could look this over and see if it'll work.
Code: [Select]

function ulx.viewHours (calling_ply, target_ply)
local hours = target_ply:GetUTimeTotalTime() / 3600
ULib.tsay(calling_ply, "#A's hours: " ..hours.., target_ply)

local seehours = ulx.command(CATEGORY_NAME, "ulx viewhours", ulx.viewHours, "!viewhours")
seehours:defaultAccess( ULib.ACCESS_ADMIN )
seehours:help("View a player's hours on the server.")

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