I recommend ewiz also. If they don't have your exact model in stock, perhaps they'd work with you to get a similar.
Update as to my hardware troubles.
After using my laptop for 3 or 4 days, it would lock up at random times (yes, when it rains, it definitely does poor)
I didn't think it was hardware issues. I went ahead and reimaged it. So far, its working great. (Though, I've been working from my docking station, which is where it locked the least anyway)
My new motherboard is expected Tuesday.
I have some older components that would be capable of Gmod, however, wife told me she wants the house ready to put on the market sometime in June. We have in-laws coming Memorial day weekend. So, less time than I ever thought to be 'gaming'.
My wife made the realization tonight that even though I spent apx 3-4 hours working/playing on the laptop this weekend, I still accomplished more than she did around the house.
Anyway, I did want to say this;
Blame me for your troubles. Apparently, Murphy's law has a computer trouble clause that goes something like "Just when you have pity for someone else's computer troubles, you too will have them"
I think GD is next...he yelled something about his setup working.