Re: Online shopping
Yes, NewEgg has a nice wish list/shopping cart experience, but always check prices at other places.
I like, have also gotten decent service (though I don't know as well) from
Previously, has done well, however they let me down recently, and also online store ratings sites have been harsh to them lately.
Re: Vid card
With exception of the passive cooling (like one review said, some worry), it looks like a much better card for the money.
You can save your ~$450 you didn't spend on a GF8x series card now for something else.
Re: 4gb.
I have XP Pro x64 with 2gb, and have never hit 2gb. Think I maxed at 1.5gb once. I forget what I was doing.
Do you really need 4gb? Guess it's a personal 'think about it' thing.
I don't do high res image editing. Only gaming, surfing, and the occasional coding.