Author Topic: BFG Tech "Support"  (Read 3315 times)

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Offline JamminR

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BFG Tech "Support"
« on: May 15, 2007, 04:35:56 PM »
Overall, I'm not happy with BFG Tech. Support. (But I'm also estatic, read on!)
Here's the (long) summary of why.

About 1.5 years ago...I get a BFG 6800 GT OC AGP 256mb.
I use the card for two to three weeks. I'm happy. This was an upgrade from an ATI Radeon 9500 Pro 128mb.
(If you want the comparisons on FPS, find old reviews..needless to say, video performance doubled (and tripled in some areas)
About a month later...I upgrade to a new motherboard and CPU. Its a Dual vid slot motherboard, one true PCI-e X16, and one AGP 8x. (I'd just gotten a decent AGP card, wanted to be able to upgrade later too)

Frustration #1
A month after that, the card starts having wierd grid lines. (so, I've enjoyed the card less than 3 months)
My vid card has a 'lifetime' warranty, so I call them up on it.
They take my CC# to guarantee I return the old or else pay for the one they sent.
They RMA, I ship. They send one back.

Frustration #2 (BIG ONE)
!!!!!!!!!! The one they sent back was NOT a 6800 GT OC, but a 6600 standard. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I call support again. Clench my teeth while explaining in a calm but audibly disturbed voice that I was sent the wrong card and they will at the least cross-ship, causing me no more cost and allowing me to use the 6600 for the mean time.
They agree. (Well, like I said, I didn't give much choice.)
No other means of compensation are offered.
I get the card, its the same one I'd originally sent.

Frustration #3
Well, as some of you know...the card died again almost three weeks ago.
One week of that time was me sitting with the box ready to go, but forgetting to take it.
I called tech support, tell the technician that it won't display, but still allows computer to POST and perform normally.
My first fear flame of RMA'ing again gets ignited. The agent says "we also have you registered as having a 6600"
I calmly, but again audibly frustrated, explain that "No, I've never owned a 6600. That was a screw up last time I RMA'ed."
He seems to accept this answer, and I tell him that the card I need to get RMA'd is the same he confirms in his records, a 6800 GT OC 256mb AGP.
He gathers my CC# and email. I get the email instructions/links for RMA about 10 minutes later.

Now, I'd like to interject into my story a bit here.
I'm betting you think you now know where I'm going.
You'd only be half right. Continue reading.

After a week of sitting on my butt, I finally ship my card out. I follow all RMA instructions precisely.
I track the shipment.

Frustration #4
It gets there on Thursday, May 10th, ~10am CST.
I continue watching the RMA status page, which states (in short) "this page may not be up to date, if you don't see Stage 2 and 3 of 3 even though your shipper has delivered, please wait at least 4 business days before contacting BFG"
So, I watch the RMA status several times Friday. At end of day, Stage 2 isn't complete, according to site (Stage 2 is 'Warehouse got card')
I start thinking "it takes them 48+ hours to process an RMA? How many do they have!?"
I check once Saturday and Sunday on the off chance they have weekend workers. Still no stage 2.
I check Monday morning, and am shocked. Stage 2, completed, received Thursday. (Yes, I knew this)
Stage 3, shipped replacement, completed early Friday morning. It's due to arrive (Today, Tuesday May 15)

It took them 24+ business hours for the RMA to update?

Now. I get the card.
Guess what!!!!!!!!

No. You're only half right.

Yes, I got a different card.
No, it wasn't a downgrade again to a 6600.

It was an upgrade to a PCI-x 7800GT OC 256mb.

Now, for a split second, I considered calling BFG.
My Christian conscience? Partially. I'd be lying if I said that was all of it.
Fear of being charged for the card? Yes, mostly.

My wife then says "if you do, tell the CC company you didn't authorize charges, and that the company has your old device."
I love my wife dearly.

I did check the packing slip.
Apparently, they might not have 6800s in stock anymore. The packing slip computer printout indicates 6800GTOC256, but is crossed out, and written in hand ink is 7800GTOC.

I've got the PCI-X slot.
However, Now I have to do research to find out if this thing requires a special power cable that I may not have.
I know the PCI-X had different power output, but, theres a black plug on the back of this with 6 pins. I don't remember if my powersupply has this or not.
BFG manuals, here I come.
If all that is required, I'll call BFG and say "hey, I never got the <blah> cable"
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Offline Megiddo

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Re: BFG Tech "Support"
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2007, 04:58:41 PM »
Oof. What a pain... maybe the send bad ones on purpose so you just buy another one! :)
Experiencing God's grace one day at a time.

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Re: BFG Tech "Support"
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2007, 07:08:20 PM »
That was a pain in the neck but I think you really got lucky in the end there! Nice card!

Offline JamminR

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Re: BFG Tech "Support"
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2007, 08:48:28 PM »
Well, my new 'free' upgrade is turning out to be quite a cost.
New power supply to support PCI-x cable input - $120 (really, i needed one anyway...I have two pcs that would work that I could sell if only they had Power suppliies)
New motherboard to replace one that got fried keyboard controller (don't ask) - ~$70
So, its now to the point I could have bought the card new.

Oh well. Such is life.
I won't be gmodding anytime soon.
Won't be on as often here for a while.
I'm probably going to have to re-installl windows when/if I order the mb
That's what sucks the most.
Why can't Windows just go 'oh, you have new hardware, let me reconfigure for you, please restart in safe mode so I can reconfigure basics, and I'll then go from there'
Bah. I'm moody now. Gnight!
"Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained." -- The Tao of Programming

Offline Golden-Death

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Re: BFG Tech "Support"
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2007, 09:05:04 PM »
The good news is: GD IS HEEEERRRRE!

Offline JamminR

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Re: BFG Tech "Support"
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2007, 08:04:50 PM »
Back in action, though, still have limited time.
Family in town this weekend, 'helping' us look for new house.
After that, will be working my butt off prepping this one for the market.

I ended up with a Jetway 939GT4-SLI-G motherboard.
It uses an Nforce 4 chipset. Have it paired with my 'new' 7800GT that started the whole process.
The video card, as expected, out performs my old 6800GT.
As for the motherboard itself, it matches my old Asrock ULI based board.
Has a few added bells and whistles BIOS-wise, and of course, can do SLI when/if I ever feel the need.
My old board had dual video capability (AGP or PCIx), so wouldn't do SLI. Guess that was my trade off.
"Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained." -- The Tao of Programming