Ulysses Stuff > Releases
URM - User Restrictions Module for ULX
Unolimited, and I think URS, use Sbox limit watching.
Make sure you're not using those in combo with this, or each other.
For the "XXXXXURM" folder thing, I wasn't able to do that since I threw all the files into its proper directory for the addon to work, rather than dumping the URM-master into my addons folder which doesn't work for some reason
I'm not using much addons, just anti prop kill, ulx chattags and pointshop
The gamemode i'm running is Stranded. Really having this deep feeling it doesn't like any other gamemode besides Sandbox
Also as a side note: the latest URM is also causing more problems on my end, not able to spawn with default things (gravity guns and physgun). If you want, later on I can grab the lua errors for you
I suspect your Stranded gamemode is not a derivative of Sandbox (Cannot know for sure without knowing which stranded gamemode you are using). If it is not sandbox or a derivative of it, then URM will not work at all, unless the gamemode has copied certain sandbox aspects.
If you could grab the errors for me I could probably tell for sure if it is a gamemode problem.
Currently using this gamemode: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=133364818&searchtext=stranded
And for the lua error part on my end: http://puu.sh/kVbUk/238390743b.png
Just want you to keep in mind that this error wasn't show up until the last update you made, which I think was like a couple hours from this post.
But yeah, coming to conclusion that it's not a derivative of Sandbox gamemode
Thank you. It was indeed an error in that update. I have fixed it.
But that error should not cause the limit problems that you had.
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