The garrysmod/data/users.txt is (I believe) the original Garry's Mod users file, which is how I made myself administrator of my own server when I first set it up (before I installed Ulib and Ulx). I guess I'm wondering if I should even be using that file, or both that one and the ULX one, or what.
Also, if groups.txt editing isn't really necessary unless I want custom groups, how would I set group permissions? Or are you referring to me just editing permissions on a user by user basis?
And one last thing (sorry for so many questions

, in the following bit of example code for users.txt:
Format of admin account in users.txt--
"id" "<name|ip|steamid|clantag>"
"type" "<name|ip|steamid|clantag>"
"pass" "<password>"
"pass_req" "<0|1>"
"1" "superadmin"
"2" "immunity"
"1" "ulx kick"
"2" "ulx ban"
"1" "ulx cexec"
First of all, I assume that for a person to have the immunity, I'd have to make a group called immunity, but how would such a group be invincible from damage? Special coding?
And in the allow/deny commands sections, is there any reason or form/fashion for the numbering of the commands? Like 1 - ulx kick, 2 - ulx ban? Do those numbers refer to something or are they just numbering for numbering's sake? Thanks so much! I'm enjoying the mod so far, and am slowly learning Lua since I'm a PHP and C programmer originally.