Ulysses Stuff > Releases
Cards Against GMod 0.10
I'm starting to formalize some of the things I've worked on over the past few months and releasing as my pay-it-forward moment. Even though not everything is ULib / ULX related, I'd like to release here since this is where I received the vast majority of support when I first came on the scene.
First up is actually the most recent thing I created -- a chat based version of Cards Against Humanity. This allows players to play CaH (or, rather, CaG) while in-game. No docs yet, but the majority of the code is in sv_cag1.lua and is a pretty easy read. You can also say "!cag help" in game for in-game docs.
The questions and answers are, of course, directly from CaH (and covered under their Creative Commons license, which I do need to place in the code). Anyone who isn't familiar with CaH, be warned -- they can get quite vulgar. Sense of humor needed. :)
https://github.com/100acrebb/cards-against-gmod (GitHub Source)
https://github.com/100acrebb/cards-against-gmod/archive/master.zip (direct zip download from GitHub)
This is working great so far, and I see that it is in 0.10, as it gets updated, would there be any chance of you adding a delay to the games, that you could change in the config, or a certain ULX rank starts the games (which you could also edit in the config), or something like that?
Good luck with the development!
Absolutely. Right now, you can change delays in sv_cag1.lua, though it'll require a restart or map change
--- Code: ---local cag_TimeBetweenRounds = 60
local cag_TimeToPickCard = 45
--- End code ---
I'll be making these and others into formal cvars in the next version, along with Awesome Points support, some house rules variations, and ULX group rights to do things like start the game,etc.
Alright, thanks! (Im guessing this is in seconds). I will be looking forward to the ULX group rights, that will come in handy
You have my support :)
Can you please add pictures and a video maybe :o
That would be AWESOME!!!
Sounds really nice tho!
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