Author Topic: ulx massages wont show (prefix)  (Read 1647 times)

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Offline PizzaDox

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ulx massages wont show (prefix)
« on: October 09, 2015, 02:57:07 PM »
you know when open up the team chat and type @ <massage> to type something to the admins? so the massages wont show in the chat, but you can see them thru the console
well i dont know why but i cant get my chat to read the ulx massages can you help me with that? (i marked the code that maybe related to this)

if SERVER then AddCSLuaFile() return end

surface.CreateFont( "Trebuchet21",
                    font    = "Trebuchet MS",
                    size    = 21,
                    weight  = 300,
                    antialias = true,
                    shadow = false

function DrawText( text, font, x, y, col, align1, align2 )
   draw.SimpleText( text, font, x, y, col, align1, align2 )

local chatshow = false
local history = {}
local spacing = 20
local chatmessage = ""

function textsize(t, f) local w = surface.GetTextSize(t, f); return w; end

local function SendText(text, msg)
   local hist = {
   Text = text,
   Time = RealTime()+7,
   Msg = msg
   table.insert( history, 1, hist )
   table.remove( history, 21 )

local y = ScrH()-145
local x = 250
hook.Add("HUDPaint", "ChatPaint", function()
for k, v in pairs( history ) do
   if v.Time > RealTime() or chatshow then
      DrawText(v.Text, "Trebuchet21", x+1, (y-k*spacing)+1, Color(0, 0, 0, 255), TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT)
      DrawText(v.Text, "Trebuchet21", x, y-k*spacing, Color(255, 255, 255, 255), TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT)

      DrawText(v.Msg, "Trebuchet21", x+1, (y-k*spacing)+1, Color(0, 0, 0, 255), TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT)
      DrawText(v.Msg, "Trebuchet21", x, y-k*spacing, Color(0, 195, 25, 255), TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT)

   if chatshow then
      draw.RoundedBox(0, x-67, y+4, 60, 20, Color( 25, 25, 25, 255 ))

      surface.SetDrawColor( 25, 25, 25, 255 )
      surface.DrawTexturedRect(x+489, y+4, 100, 20)
      draw.RoundedBox(0, x-9, y+4, 499, 20, Color( 25, 25, 25, 255 ))
      surface.SetDrawColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 )
      surface.DrawTexturedRect(x+489, y+5, 100, 18)
      draw.RoundedBox(0, x-9, y+5, 498, 18, Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 ))
      DrawText( "Chat>", "Trebuchet21", x-20, y+5, Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT )
      DrawText( chatmessage, "Default", x-7, y+8, Color( 25, 25, 25, 255 ), TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT )

hook.Add("OnPlayerChat", "PlayerChat", function(  pl, text, teamtext, alive, prefixText, ulx )
   if (IsValid(pl)) then
      SendText(text, prefixText.."> ")
      SendText(text, "JcChatbox>> ")

hook.Add("ChatText", function( filter, name, text, ulx )
   if (filter == 0) then
      SendText(text, "JcChatbox>> ")

hook.Add("StartChat", "StartChat", function() chatshow = true return true end)
hook.Add("FinishChat", "FinishChat", function() chatshow = false return true end)
hook.Add("ChatTextChanged", "TextChanged", function(text) chatmessage = text end)

if (SERVER) then
local Tag = ""
local R = 0
local G = 0
local B = 0

function CustomChat_ChatMessage( name, String, bool, R, G, B) -- ChatMessage(rgb, name, rgb2, String)
   umsg.Start( "CustomChat_ChatMsg" )

concommand.Add("alert", function( ply, cmd, args)
   if args[1] then // We're seeing if there are any arguments, arguments are stored on a table, so you will have to use args[index].
      if ply:IsAdmin() then
      CustomChat_ChatMessage( "ALERT", "> "..string.gsub(args[1], "_", " "), "" , 255, 0, 0)
      ply:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTCONSOLE,"You are not Admin")
      Msg("--Player "..ply:Nick().." is not admin and tryed to use alert chat.\n")
end )

function CustomChat_Checker( ply, text, teamonly, prefixText )
      if ply:IsUserGroup("MOD") then
      Tag = "[Mod]"
      R = 0
      G = 255
      B = 0
      elseif ply:IsVIP() then
      Tag = "[Vip]"
      R = 255
      G = 255
      B = 0
      elseif ply:IsSuperAdmin() then
      Tag = "[SuperAdmin]"
      R = 255
      G = 0
      B = 0
      elseif ply:IsAdmin() then
      Tag = "[Admin]"
      R = 0
      G = 255
      B = 255
      elseif ply:IsUserGroup("Owner") then
      Tag= "[Owner]"
      R = 255
      G = 0
      B = 255
      if ply:IsSuperAdmin() then
      Tag = "[Admin]"
      R = 255
      G = 0
      B = 0
      elseif ply:IsAdmin() then
      Tag = "[Mod]"
      R = 0
      G = 206
      B = 209
      elseif ply:IsUserGroup("vip") then
      Tag = "[Vip]"
      R = 0
      G = 0
      B = 255
      Tag = "[User]"
      R = 238
      G = 221
      B = 130
   CustomChat_ChatMessage(prefixText, "> "..text, Tag, R, G, B)
   return ""
   hook.Add("PlayerSay", "WordCheck", CustomChat_Checker)
   else --- client code            --
usermessage.Hook("CustomChat_ChatMsg", function( um, ply )
   local name = um:ReadString()
   local String = um:ReadString()
   local Tag = um:ReadString()
   local R = um:ReadLong()
   local G = um:ReadLong()
   local B = um:ReadLong()
    chat.AddText(Color(R, G, B, 255), Tag..name, Color(255, 255, 255, 255), String)
end-- final end

-- Admin > flamedog: words
-- SAdmin > flamedog: words
-- Console > words
« Last Edit: October 09, 2015, 02:59:41 PM by PizzaDox »