Ok, well I would rather not remove ULX as I have everything set up, which has taken me a long time to configure it all, as I originally didnt know how to use it, however my Inheritance is set-up like so:
Owner inherit from co-owner, co-owner inherit from superadmin, superadmin inherit from admin, admin inherit from admin-trial, admin-trial inherit from moderator, and moderator inherit from moderator trial, and then moderator trial inherit from legion, I do have other ULX groups which I havent bothered inheriting from as they are only donation groups and they dont really do much, like moving other peoples props. However those donation groups which I havent bothered inheriting with actually cant move those props. I also need it so that admins cant pick up superadmins, and moderators cant pick up admins, but admins can pick up moderators, that sort of thing, however I have it set-up right for admins not being able to pick up superadmins, and superadmins are able to pick up admins, this is set-up right, but they can still move the permaprops, I have check the permaprops addon, and it is all set to superadmin, which is confusing cus i guess it is the inheritance that is wrong maybe, although picking up certain groups works like it should??
I also have the being able to target, set up correctly as well, I have moderator-trial targeting !%moderator, moderator targeting !%admin trial, admin trial being able to target !%admin, and so on....
I'm not sure how to fix this? I have FAdmin disabled, so I am 100% it is ULX, as everytihng on the permaprop addon is all sorted.