Author Topic: ulx adduser no longer permanent  (Read 2442 times)

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Offline therealist

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ulx adduser no longer permanent
« on: November 17, 2015, 10:37:07 AM »
Several months ago, I believe somewhere around the time GMod 15 came out, from one day to the next I started getting complaints from staff on my server about people they add to our Frequent Player group not remaining in the group after a map change or server restart. I pinpointed the issue to the ULX command itself. The issue still persists to this day. Yet "ulx adduserid" works perfectly fine.

I can't begin to wrap my head around why this is happening, as both commands internally use ULib.ucl.addUser to perform the actual addition of a user to a specified group/rank. Logic dictates that using the exact same command in two different places should not yield different results. Needless to say I've updated all my custom code for adding users to ranks to utilise the "ulx adduserid" method for the time being.

I've re-installed ULX and ULib both from scratch probably three times now, each with the same results.  Any ideas what might be going on?

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Re: ulx adduser no longer permanent
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2015, 03:20:59 PM »
Post is a bit vague.
You mention "from scratch"... using our latest Github repository code?
If not, I'd strongly urge you start using it. The last 'release' code from our downloads page is showing it's age.

You mention "ulx adduser", then 'all my custom code for adding users' and then a ULib function "ULib.ucl.addUser".

Let's start with basics; if you're running our latest Github code of both Ulib and ULX on the server, and you run "ulx adduser <blah> <group>" from server console, AND, you're not running any other addon that may intercept the ULX command (remove all addons, your own or not), AND your not running any gamemode that includes group manipulation, does the function work and user get stored in /data/ulx/users.txt?

Has the user.txt grown so large and possibly corrupt due to you having a low threshold for 'custom' groups that it can't load during server start/restart?

Server console errors during running of the command, and during startup, would be helpful.

« Last Edit: November 17, 2015, 03:22:41 PM by JamminR »
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Offline Bite That Apple

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Re: ulx adduser no longer permanent
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2015, 11:05:43 PM »
Not entirely adding more to what JamminR said, but I did personally know a friend of mine who ran garry's mod servers, and his server did the same thing. Just wouldn't save in the user.txt file for some reason. I tested it thoroughly, removed all the addons, redownloaded ulx/ulib from SVN (at the time google code was cool, and everyone used it), and deleted ulx/ulib folders in the DATA folder. Still issues..

I found out one day that randomly one of his groups used a non-english character, which kinda was the cause for the issue. Strange enough, Garry's Mod/ulx still understood the non-english character, but it just didn't like saving it correctly within the group.txt or user.txt file. So my suggestion to you is if any of your groups have strange character letters in them that are not a-z, A-Z, 0-9 I would remove those character letters, and use only US-Keyboard English characters.
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