About 7 months ago I had a problem with ULib's hook-priority system causing Pointshop to fail to call it's PlayerInitialSpawn hook. Some other piece of code was returning a value from PlayerInitialSpawn and ULib caused it to run in an unexpected order, stopping Pointshop's from running.
I'm having the problem again and I'm entirely stumped. Here is the offending code.
local function checkMember(ply)
if members[ply:SteamID64()] then
if not ply:CheckGroup("vip") then
ULib.ucl.removeUser( ply:SteamID() )
hook.Add("PlayerInitialSpawn", "AG_AddMember", checkMember)
With this code, Pointshop's PlayerInitialSpawn is never called. Comment out that last line, it starts getting called again.
What am I doing wrong now?