Author Topic: Gun Sweps HELP  (Read 1864 times)

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Gun Sweps HELP
« on: January 03, 2016, 09:41:24 PM »
Ok so I got the FA:S 2.0 Alpha SWEPs for my Deathrun server. It spawns the guns in but doesn't display the right gun.

fas2_ak47 doesnt show up as an ak, it comes up as a pistol with AK47 name. No guns shoot, theyre invisible when theyre not picked up(on the ground) and none of them actually display as the right gun. Please anyone got a good DR Gun Swep, with AK47, FAMAS, AWP, Deagle and a shot gun?

I have tried 2 SWEPS neither work properly and Ive also tried adding them individually and that doesnt work either.