Author Topic: 2 Command Requests  (Read 3446 times)

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Offline howzy

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2 Command Requests
« on: January 20, 2016, 01:29:43 AM »
I am looking for 2 command codes. First command is !steamid

SteamID: The command to copy someones in game steamid. EG: Open ulx menu, then open a category, then there would be a command that is called SteamID. When you highlight someones name and click the ulc steamid button, it silently copies there steamid.

Second command is !fmotd

ForceMOTD: The command is for the poeple who join the server, close the motd without reading it, then break a rule. The FMOTD command will be so I and others of my server can use it for those type of people, when they break a rule. The Admins can make/ force them to read it. The MOTD pops up like when you first join the server, but I will be able to force them whenever I need.

Please post these commands in the 'code' thingy, so its easier to copy and read, thankyou!

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Re: 2 Command Requests
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2016, 08:42:09 AM »
From game console as admin, superadmin
ulx who
If proper admin, I'm pretty sure Steam IDs are shown.

as for force motd
ulx cexec <name of player> "ulx motd"
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