Hello! So I just recently got a server, set it to DarkRP, dropped FAdmin and switched to ULX.
However the targeting for groups isn't working.
My ulx groups are: (in order)
- owner (inherits from super admin)
- superadmin (inherits from user) (ulx default)
- coowner (inherits from super admin)
- headadmin (inherits from admin)
- admin (inherits from moderator) (ulx default)
- moderator (inherits from user)
- donator (inherits from user)
- user
The problem occuring is that regardless of what i put, groups that shouldnt be able to target people can.
Ex: modertor can target the owner, however in the 'cantarget' box when creating the rank, it's set to '!%admin'
I've tried setting it to '!%admin, !%headadmin, !%coowner, !%superadmin, !%owner' as well but that didn't work either.
Also as another small issue, I have the same permissions as superadmin on my rank owner (which is everything) but for some reason the /setspawn command wont work, It says 'you do not have the right permissions for this'
Thanks in advance! and sorry for being such a idiot if its obvious, im brand new to this