Author Topic: ULX Targeting Not Working  (Read 2267 times)

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Offline doommarine93

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ULX Targeting Not Working
« on: January 14, 2016, 02:29:48 PM »
Hello! So I just recently got a server, set it to DarkRP, dropped FAdmin and switched to ULX.

However the targeting for groups isn't working.

My ulx groups are: (in order)
- owner (inherits from super admin)
- superadmin (inherits from user) (ulx default)
- coowner (inherits from super admin)
- headadmin (inherits from admin)
- admin (inherits from moderator) (ulx default)
- moderator (inherits from user)
- donator (inherits from user)
- user

The problem occuring is that regardless of what i put, groups that shouldnt be able to target people can.

Ex: modertor can target the owner, however in the 'cantarget' box when creating the rank, it's set to '!%admin'

I've tried setting it to '!%admin, !%headadmin, !%coowner, !%superadmin, !%owner' as well but that didn't work either.

Also as another small issue, I have the same permissions as superadmin on my rank owner (which is everything) but for some reason the /setspawn command wont work, It says 'you do not have the right permissions for this'

Thanks in advance! and sorry for being such a idiot if its obvious, im brand new to this

Offline JamminR

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Re: ULX Targeting Not Working
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2016, 04:48:01 PM »
superadmin shouldn't be inheriting user. It should be inheriting admin. This sounds like something I recently saw discussed among our group that Fadmin and it's new admin controls (CAMI) may have broken in inheritance.

I don't know if that will fix your problem, but it sure will help in the long run.
If you don't have superadmin inherit admin, the standard Gmod (and even our edited) IsAdmin command won't return 'true' when someone is in the superadmin group. Gmod and most scripts that use that check expect IsAdmin true for superadmin.

If /setspawn uses IsAdmin, it's not seeing you.
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Offline dkarnes0001

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Re: ULX Targeting Not Working
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2016, 08:55:37 PM »
I have kinda same issue on my server, Like I want to restrict ranks to only effect theirs and lower ranks.