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Utime - Ultimate Edition [Who needs other versions now?]

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I tested the script on most gamemodes and got the same error.


--- Quote from: Beast on April 09, 2016, 12:27:47 AM ---If you read the readme

--- End quote ---

I assume you mean the OP, and not the actual readme (your readme.md on github), since that's only a few bullets and mentions nothing about the lockdown.  I do see your reference to it in the OP now, but I still think it should be off by default.  Just my $.02.

This addon hides it's readme.txt pretty deep into the folder structure.

Ah.  Silly me.  I should have grep'd the project.   :)

Pushed an update that should fix the errors.  Me being the idiot I am, I left the github version oudated, while I used the updated version myself.


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