Author Topic: How does ULib.sayCmds work?  (Read 2590 times)

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Offline JasonMan

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How does ULib.sayCmds work?
« on: February 22, 2016, 04:23:26 AM »
I have a code that automatically detects all chat messages that have "!" or "/" as their first character, and redirects them to a command. If a command doesn't exist, it says "blah is not a registered command. For a list of registered commands, please type !commands".
Now, ulx has it's own set of chat commands, so I wanted to just skip the code if the command is registered.
So I did this:

Code: [Select]
function CCheckForChatCommand( ply, text )
local args = string.Split( text, " " )
if table.HasValue( table.GetKeys( ULib.sayCmds ), args[1] ) then return end
--Rest of code

But, for some reason, it always returns false.
So I wanted to check it with lua_run and a string I put myself.

Why does this not work?

Offline roastchicken

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Re: How does ULib.sayCmds work?
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2016, 08:10:29 AM »
You're splitting the string at every space. If you type !command, string.Split will return { "!command" } (a table with one value, the chat message). If you type !command argument, string.Split will return { "!command", "argument" }. I don't know exactly how ULib.sayCmds is set up, but I assume that its keys (if the keys are the command names) do not contain the exclamation mark at the front. If they do, then I guess you're having another problem.


After looking at the ULib repo, it looks like ULib.sayCmds's keys are commands and they are the exact same as the command, so if the command is !command then ULib.sayCmds["!command"] should exist. The only reason I could think of for them not matching is trailing or leading spaces. string.Trim() both the command input and the ULib.sayCmds key and see if it works then.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2016, 08:18:07 AM by roastchicken »
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Offline JasonMan

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Re: How does ULib.sayCmds work?
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2016, 09:05:13 AM »
So apparently ULib.sayCmds stores the keys with a space at the end of them ("!armor " and not "!armor"), so that worked.