Ulysses Stuff > Releases

ULX !tprequest (Teleport request)


Ethan Christie:
This is an addon for ULX.
You type !tprequest (name)
The person will receive the request and see this (name) has requested to tp to you !tpaccept or !tpdeny
(name) has denied your TP request OR (name) has accepted your TP request

The command is available for [ALL] USERS

Drop this addon in your "addons" folder.  ;)
The help/readme file is located in: lua\ulx\readme.lua (open that with notepad)

Ethan Christie(me) - Had the idea of the addon and hired someone at Scriptfodder
Velkon. - Coded the entire script

OR, download the zip below..
NOTE: I forgot to change "TP request send to (name) to TP request SENT to (name)" It's easy to fix, sorry guys.


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