Ulysses Stuff > Releases


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--- Quote from: PAL-18 on April 16, 2018, 01:46:55 AM ---I dont know if the developer forgot to mention this or he added this maliciously, but this addon also gives members of (what i assume is his) steam group bonus points from point mod.

The file in question is in: lag_detector\lua\autorun\server\steamteam.lua

--- End quote ---
The Git is not for this specific addon, but is a compilation of scripts that the developer has written. The file in question is simply a different script. It's not needed to run the "LagDetector". It also has a thread here: https://forums.ulyssesmod.net/index.php/topic,9613.0.html

That's fine and dandy but the developer at the least could have either removed their steam group from that file and replace with a dummy url or document the change users need to perform to get it to use their steam group instead.  Simply not mentioning it doesn't make it right, especially when it gives someone else's steam group an unfair advantage on your server.

This isn't the release for steamteam.
Buzzkill clearly describes it in the SteamTeam release thread, as Tw2Stefan mentioned already

--- Quote ---An example configuration is included in source, with notes on important values. This is probably the best approach to configuration documentation for now.
--- End quote ---

No malice intended.

Ah ok, i just panicked when i saw that file on my server.


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