The server, or the player this is running on, should get errors somewhere.
Either at server startup, or when the command is run.
I don't normally blatantly do this.
But here is what I think should work. Compare it to whatever code you've already got.
CATEGORY_NAME = "homemade stuff"
function ulx.fmotd( calling_ply, target_ply )
target_ply:ConCommand( "ulx motd" )
ulx.fancyLogAdmin( calling_ply, true, "#A Forced #T to look at the Motd!", target_ply )
local fmotd = ulx.command( CATEGORY_NAME, "ulx fmotd", ulx.fmotd, "!fmotd", false )
fmotd:addParam{ type=ULib.cmds.PlayerArg }
fmotd:defaultAccess( ULib.ACCESS_ADMIN )
fmotd:help( "Forces a Player to look at the Motd." )
That's untested, but should work as far as my memory goes.
I wasn't sure if you wanted it as a "ulx fmotd" or just "fmotd" from the command line.
I went ahead and made it ulx fmotd