I am currently running the newest ulib and ulx and the motd used to be in the ulx file but it has disappeared and I can't find the new location of the newest one so I can edit it. I got the one downloaded from this website not workshop.
In files example like .github,lua,.editorconfig, etc...
in ulx v3.62 there is a ulx_motd.txt but in 3.70 and 3.71 doesn't exist.
I want to use my custom motd like I had before with a url link but that wont work anymore or can someone explain what to do it was called ulx_motd.txt
<iframe src="websitelink" style="border: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%"></iframe>
this file doesn't get registered in the addons/ulx/ulx_motd.txt
so I was reading a few things they said I can setVisible(false) in motdmenu.lua or a cvar? because i have the ulx_motd.txt in addons/ulx/ but it's not recognizing it.