Check AFK -- This post is no longer maintained. Check Github for updates: guys! So after a lot of help from members of the community (and I mean
a lot), I've finally gotten my Check AFK command working. It's a pretty basic command; all it does is call a Derma Frame and make a timer, but it's fairly intricate. If you have experience and you want to, feel free to make some changes! If you want me to include those changes in here, just let me know and I can do that.
Please Read:You must be registered and logged in to see the download link at the bottom of the post.Also, please leave a "Compliment" Karma if you like this, which you can click over thataways <<< thanks!
Installation Guide:Installing this is very simple. Take the ZIP file given in the downloads link at the bottom of the page (
You MUST be registered and logged in to see the download.) and extract the checkAFK folder inside into your garrysmod/addons folder and then do a server restart to make sure everything is good.
Features:Completely customizable. All things can be modified in the two .lua files provided in the download.
Completely automatized. All you have to do is use the command on them, and everything else will be handled.
Requirements:Access to Server files (duh).
ULX v3.70 or higher.
ULib 2.60 or higher.
What does it do?Check AFK is pretty self explanatory. It pops up a menu on a target's screen that asks them to click a button (pretty simple, eh?) and if they don't click that button within 10 seconds (you can change this time in the sh_cc_cafk.lua file) they will automatically be put into Spectator mode! No more AFKs!
TO-DO-LIST:- Add support for Sandbox [DONE]
KNOWN BUGS:N/A (please let me know if you find any!)
Updates:v. 1.0: v. 2.0: - Removed unnecessary PData, fixed some timer bugs.
v. 2.0.1: - Added support for Sandbox. Automatically kicks, instead of setting to spectator mode (as there is none). Simply extract the "Sandbox" version, instead.
v. 2.0.2:- TTT - Added echo to all players on a failed AFK Check.
- Sandbox - Removed "IsValid( v )" so kick message echoes to Console.
- Updated to v. 2.1.0. Added optional timer length for Admins. Default remains 10.
Released to Github, check here
I will update Github primarily, I will attempt to update this thread as soon as I make a commit, but I can't make any promises.

Downloads below!