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New ULX and ULib (Security advisory on previous versions!)
But does that fix the hack?
I'm assuming it has something to do with RCON, JamminR came on my server and used RCON to message me, telling me about the exploit.
It still imports from users.txt, as I said.
People listen!
data/users.txt is not related to ULib/ULX in any way.
data/ULib/users.txt is ULib's users file.
settings/users.txt is the default GarrysMod users file.
* [REMOVED] Old settings/users.txt stuff, handled by SetUserGroup now
The old method of importing admins from settings/users.txt (by reading the file ourselves and adding the users) has been removed becase it is now handled by SetUserGroup when garrysmod imports the file.
Once again the path that I was thinking of and the path I typed was different. I ment to compare your's and gmod's the whole time. Sorry for the confusion. ::)
Funny enough, an exploit was discovered in SS today that allowed you to gain superadmin access. When it rains, it pours I suppose. :)
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