Ulysses Stuff > Releases for ULX v1.*
Playsounds plugin
Doesnt work i type doh in and it says were the text cums up
but nuthing happens
make sure you put the file in the right place and that it points to the same place.
can anyone re-script this or edit it for compatable use with V2 please? looks realy good.
This is fun to do. I like to annoy people in my server typing the same sound over and over again. :)
--- Code: -----[[
ULX.CONCOMMAND( "ulx playsounds", cc_ulxPlaysounds, ACCESS_CUSTOM_A, " : enables or disables playsounds ",0, "ulx playsounds")
--- End code ---
How do i make this line commpatible with ULX v2???
also. is there any way to make it so that i can define Permissions for certain sounds. and maybe add a ammount of sounds that can be played by a certain player in a certain amount of time?
Thanks for any help.
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