Hi, I wanted to change the color of utime but it does not work. myserver is gamemode ttt. in cl_utime.lia I adapted the following:
function resetCvars()
RunConsoleCommand( "utime_outsidecolor_r", "40" )
RunConsoleCommand( "utime_outsidecolor_g", "45" )
RunConsoleCommand( "utime_outsidecolor_b", "48" )
RunConsoleCommand( "utime_outsidetext_r", "255" )
RunConsoleCommand( "utime_outsidetext_g", "255" )
RunConsoleCommand( "utime_outsidetext_b", "255" )
RunConsoleCommand( "utime_insidecolor_r", "40" )
RunConsoleCommand( "utime_insidecolor_g", "45" )
RunConsoleCommand( "utime_insidecolor_b", "48" )
RunConsoleCommand( "utime_insidetext_r", "255" )
RunConsoleCommand( "utime_insidetext_g", "255" )
RunConsoleCommand( "utime_insidetext_b", "255" )
RunConsoleCommand( "utime_pos_x", "98" )
RunConsoleCommand( "utime_pos_y", "8" )
buildCP( controlpanel.Get( "Utime" ) )
concommand.Add( "utime_reset", resetCvars )
Even after restart server the color is still blue. What should I do?Thanks for your help. best greetings Grischabock