Ulysses Stuff > Releases

ULX something


I made a few ulx modules a while back, I stopped playing gmod, so I thought I would release them. You guys can do what ever you want with it, you can distribute it or modify, I don't care.

There is commands for darkrp, general administration such as returning guns from last life to someone, becoming invis, godmode, noclip, and putting esp on players to track them in one command, some commands to freeze props, and some more things. There is a ulx command to become undercover which is kinda broken, so be careful if you use it.

dankpepe, we appreciate your contribution, but, you've given no instruction as to how to get to/use your commands within game.
Do your commands appear in "ulx help" in a custom area?
If so, would you mind posting the text of those function help?
As is, ULX by default offers ghost, noclip and godmode, this doesn't seem new/different.

I skimmed the files, mostly to make sure it was legit, but there seemed to be quite a few DarkRP functions that people might find useful if that's their thing.

It might be good for you to at least post the commands included.

Thanks for your contribution

I will try to update my post with the commands and info tomorrow.

I've spent a good 2 hours trying to figure this out xD 
For the "undercover" I've been trying to make it so the Silkicons next to my name dissapears.
I'm talking about the icon used in https://github.com/rejax/TTT-EasyScoreboard

--- Code: ---table.insert( calling_ply.undercover_table_rank, 0, calling_ply:GetShowIcons() )
--- End code ---

and tried setting it with
--- Code: ---calling_ply:SetIcon("")
--- End code ---

I honestly have no idea what I'm doing lmao. But if you happen to know how to make it work like it would be pretty cool.


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