Author Topic: This person should be banned from all servers  (Read 3187 times)

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Offline Undercover Orange

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This person should be banned from all servers
« on: August 11, 2016, 12:56:21 PM »
   "modified_time"   1470944067
   "reason"   "Attempted Donation Refund + Hacking"

He donates then tries to take it back. He is also a hacker. He hacked before I got my anticheat. When I banned him for 12 hours for suspected hacking he messaged me asking why he was banned. I explained how me and a few admins were suspecting he was hacking. and he said. "Oh I thought the anticheat banned me for my scripts. I don't esp, only bhop and spam flashlight" which i called bull[bleep] on cause he knew exactly where each person is. Then he threatened me saying he was gonna DDOS my server (wasn't scared. cause I supposedly have the best protection) and refund the donation. the next day I got a crash notification form my server. looked at my logs (deleted now sorry) and the last thing that happened was him imputing commands into the console that I have never seen before and couldn't find when I looked them up. I also got an email from paypal saying the guy filed a dispute and escalated it to a claim. I did win the claim cause I have a strict no refund policy written in the MOTD. he does play on a bunch of different game modes so don't think that sense you are not a prop hunt server that you are safe.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2016, 05:40:44 PM by MrPresident »
~ Undercover Orange

Offline OpticPotatOS

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Re: This person should be banned from all servers
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2016, 01:49:20 PM »
Why are you posting this here? I don't think the Ulysses team can, umm, yeah, uhh do that.
My website isn't my website, rather, it's the gaming network my sever is connected to.

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Offline Undercover Orange

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Re: This person should be banned from all servers
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2016, 01:58:34 PM »
I'm letting people know. I'm not telling them to ban this person. I'm telling server owners to ban this person. I'm looking out for all of you guys
~ Undercover Orange

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Re: This person should be banned from all servers
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2016, 05:40:08 PM »
I appreciate the intent, but this forum is not really the place for these kinds of posts.

We remain neutral and don't really post or condone postings like this. There are lots of reasons this could have happened and while its entirely possible that he did it because he's just a jerk, there are lots of possibilities.

I am sorry you had an experience like this... believe me, I get them all the time. I've lost hundreds of dollars in chargebacks. You just learn to live with it.

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Re: This person should be banned from all servers
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2016, 04:56:18 AM »
Why did you post that here though?

Probably because he assumed if someone caused trouble on his server, they're a troublemaker in general, and other server owners should ban him to save time and money figuring out that he's a hacker who charge backs.

Of course, this is a perverted sense of justice; just because a player breaks rules on one server doesn't mean they're a rulebreaker in general. This is partly why things like Hex's SkidCheck (please don't use it) get such a bad rap, although Hex bans people for much less things than hacking and charge-backing (if you're subscribed to certain Workshop addons you'll be added to it).
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Offline Undercover Orange

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Re: This person should be banned from all servers
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2016, 11:52:45 AM »
Ok. Sorry for trying to help by keeping [ people ] like that guy off of other peoples servers. I wont try again
« Last Edit: August 12, 2016, 12:43:30 PM by MrPresident »
~ Undercover Orange