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Off-Topic / Re: Addon like utime but not utime
« Last post by BIOMAN on July 28, 2023, 08:59:38 PM »
honestly havent had a problem with work as it was built, you must have a conflicting script.
Releases / Re: Noclip
« Last post by BIOMAN on July 28, 2023, 08:55:58 PM »
here is a alt to the first one this one supports groups just give them ulx noclip under group permissions
Releases / ulx temp add
« Last post by BIOMAN on July 28, 2023, 08:52:36 PM »
This is works with chat command !settemp <target> <time=minutes,hours,days><Temp group>
Players can also check time remaining !checktime
Releases / Alt build mode with alt noclip
« Last post by BIOMAN on July 28, 2023, 08:48:56 PM »
This is a build mode for group support, no need to give the group ulx_noclip this work without it, also has a display for build mode.
Releases / Noclip
« Last post by BIOMAN on July 25, 2023, 03:42:19 PM »
Made this so i didn't have to bind ulx noclip to my v key and you have to ulx noclip permission in the group to use it

Suggestions / Re: Add Player Model Restrictor for specific groups
« Last post by BIOMAN on July 25, 2023, 03:33:21 PM »
Can you add like, Specific Groups can access specific playermodels (used to make Admin Models)

i sure wish this was a thing. i was messing with some code but could never get it to setmodel or player model
General Chat & Help and Support / Cant give my self superadmin
« Last post by PluBlub on June 03, 2023, 10:54:09 AM »
ULib v2.71w
ULX v3.81w


Code: [Select]
ulx adduser plublub superadmin

[ulib-master] stack overflow
  1. find - [C]:-1
   2. explode - addons/ulib-master/lua/ulib/shared/misc.lua:30
    3. splitPort - addons/ulib-master/lua/ulib/shared/misc.lua:159
     4. getUserRegisteredID - addons/ulib-master/lua/ulib/server/ucl.lua:662
      5. fn - addons/ulib-master/lua/ulib/shared/cami_ulib.lua:92
       6. Call - addons/ulib-master/lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:109
        7. SignalUserGroupChanged - addons/xadmin-master/lua/autorun/sh_cami.lua:531
         8. SetUserGroup - addons/xadmin-master/lua/xadmin/core/sh_ply.lua:43
          9. fn - addons/xadmin-master/lua/xadmin/core/sh_cami.lua:34
           10. Call - addons/ulib-master/lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:109
            11. SignalUserGroupChanged - addons/xadmin-master/lua/autorun/sh_cami.lua:531
             12. tempfuncadd - addons/ulib-master/lua/ulib/server/ucl.lua:740
              13. addUser - addons/ulx-master/lua/ulx/xgui/server/sv_groups.lua:47
               14. onSteamIDUserGroupChanged - addons/ulib-master/lua/ulib/shared/
Developers Corner / Re: How to disallow jobs from talking?
« Last post by iViscosity on March 17, 2023, 01:21:36 PM »
You can use a PlayerCanSeePlayersChat hook and check their job.
Developers Corner / How to disallow jobs from talking?
« Last post by DeaNo on February 27, 2023, 04:03:41 AM »
How can i mute a Job, so it cant talk? Like for a dog or others?
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