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Releases / Re: Player Chat Tags [2.58v]
« Last post by Screezy on February 07, 2023, 10:26:07 PM »
love this however after my name it shows 9971? and when i take the file out its gone?
Developers Corner / DARKRP Noclip
« Last post by ???? on January 31, 2023, 10:40:47 PM »
I need help with darkrp, I need it so admins and trial moderators can only use noclip when they have the job of Moderator on Duty "TEAM_MOD"
After Downloading ULX and ULIB on the Server other things are also broken.
For example i cant touch props with my Phys Gun etc.

I have a Garry's Mod server through Nitrado.
There I have installed ULX and ULIB via FTP.
See here:

But when I join the server, I have the following error messages in the console:

When I type the command "ulx menu" in the console, it shows the following:

So I can't give myself "superadmin" rights and modify other groups and permissions.

How I can fix this and can give me permissions.
Can someone please help me.
In advance, thanks for help.
Developers Corner / How to disable that a DarkRP Job can pick up weapons?
« Last post by DeaNo on January 21, 2023, 06:47:56 PM »
Is that possible, because this is good for a Pet Job or SCP Job.
Off-Topic / Re: Account Deletion
« Last post by MrPresident on January 13, 2023, 04:18:15 PM »
If you would like your account deleted, you will need to email us that request.

General Chat & Help and Support / Re: [HELP] ULX !!!
« Last post by MrPresident on December 20, 2022, 09:05:58 PM »
The only way to have IsAdmin recognize a group is to have it inherit from Admin. This is a limitation of garrysmod.
General Chat & Help and Support / [HELP] ULX !!!
« Last post by ? Alex ? on December 04, 2022, 02:16:15 PM »
Hey I need help

I created my moderator usergroup with this command:
ulx addgroup "moderator" "user"

But, they don't get recognized by other addons using the function ply:IsAdmin()

I don't want to inherit from admin, because I needs to give to moderator stricted permissions for example, I want that moderators can't ban, and that admin can Ban.

And if I inherit the permissions from admin, I can't revoke access to Moderator to ban unless I revoke access to Admins too but that's not what I need
How Can I fix it please??

And I also need help with physgun

How can I make moderators not able to physgun admins, while admins can physgun moderators.

Please HELP ME to fix this issue !
General Chat & Help and Support / Re: MOTD not loading
« Last post by Jimmy Johns on November 04, 2022, 07:25:58 PM »
Thank you for the reply MrPresident
If you dont mind could I get the discord link?

Also another person has the same forum software as me and its work fine...
General Chat & Help and Support / Re: MOTD not loading
« Last post by MrPresident on November 04, 2022, 04:38:34 PM »
Hi. This site really isn't used much anymore, so wait times might be long. You are better off getting help through our discord.

If your site isn't working (but others are) it might use elements of HTML5 or newer styling that the gmod HTML engine doesn't support. It's frustrating, but the gmod HTML browser engine is outdated and not every website works. There's nothing that can be done.
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