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......  management. By connecting ULib and ULX to a database, you are able to synchronize server data such  ............  groups and bans, without the need to manually add data on all your servers, or buying expensive software. ............  blacklist for ranks that dont get saved to the database. Just add the rank and you are good to go.   ............  - Edits a ban    Planned Features  Code: [Select] UTime synchronisation - Codename: MUSync MySQL Time  ......
Off-Topic / Re: Utime Data
« by MrPresident on August 13, 2016, 01:19:27 AM »

...... utime is stored in the sv.db file. It uses SQLite, not  ......
Developers Corner / Re: Utime Data
« by Bytewave on February 10, 2014, 02:12:17 PM »

...... UTime and PointShop data (by default) are stored in sv. ............ , the root SQLite database in GMod servers. ......
General Chat & Help and Support / Re: UTime data?
« by JamminR on April 10, 2020, 08:46:47 PM »

......  simple search "utime data" results (second result - would have been  ......

......  ago and everything was fine. I didn't even touch utime data, what could affect that? ......
Releases / Re: UtimeMOO - Server/Global Edition [v1.01]
« by theaoneone on December 27, 2016, 11:14:32 AM »

......  I replace the utime it didn't use the old utime data. an easier way  ............  work but for some reason, it didn't use the old utime thing.  ......
General Chat & Help and Support / Problems with uTime
« by Brgmry on March 08, 2017, 04:48:24 AM »

......  I have to have ulx for uTime to work? Because I recently am trying out  ............  so I deleted ulx and now all the uTime data is gone. Is there a workaround for this,  ............  uTime is very important to my server. ......
Developers Corner / ULX to MySQL
« by Instakill on July 03, 2018, 11:08:47 AM »

...... . I was wondering if there was a way you can take data from ULX such as usergroups of players and utime  ............  has a script or way that they can retrieve this data and send it to the database. ......
Off-Topic / Re: U-Time webpanel leaderboard
« by SweetShoregamer on January 15, 2019, 01:05:01 PM »

......  MrP again, you'd need the MySQL version of UTime. I'm on my phone so I can't provide the link but  ............ 'd need to simply pull the information from the database on your web app and post it on the site.   ............  complicated than it is. It's really just pushing data to a database with Lua, pulling said with PHP,  ............  then using CSS && HTML/PHP to display that data in a readable format.  Again, much less  ............  done that way i specified in my second post, my Utime is already MySQL based, i will look into this,  ......
Ulysses Release Archives / MSync - Keep your servers synchronised
« by captain1342 on January 29, 2017, 08:38:29 AM »

......  ranks as 'ignored' to make them not saving in the database.  MBSync: ( MySQL Ban Synchronisation )   ............  http://ulyssesmod.net/downloads.php ) 3. an MySQL Database  ##Basic Setup##  First you need to install  ............   After that you need to setup a database for your ranks. 1. Create a user for MSync  ............  a complex password 2. Add a database scheme to it for MSync. 3. Setup your  ............  your server 5. If it says [MSync] Connected to Database you are done.   #Planned features#  -  ............  Permission Synchronisation ) - MUSync ( MySQL Utime Synchronisation )  #Support/Bugs#  Please use my  ......
Releases / Re: sui_scoreboard with UTime and Steam Avatars
« by Xopez on April 10, 2016, 02:16:44 PM »

......  get following error and dont know why, utime is running, it shows up in clients. it doesn't  ............  if its the utime version or no utime version  [ERROR] addons/ ............  method 'GetCount' (a nil value)  1. UpdatePlayerData - addons/sui_scoreboard/lua/sui_scoreboard/ ......
Releases / Re: UTime - tmysql4 edition!
« by Beast on March 31, 2016, 10:40:23 AM »

......  game, but.... why all of you guys hopping on the utime bandwagon. utimem has been around since the dawn  ............ . It seems like everyone has their pick for utime now, and it's such a useless addon now a days. It  ............  allowed for the uploading and pushing of current data. Once I'd finished that, I realized that mysqloo  ............ 't exactly good, so I released UTime Ultimate which uses Falco's MySQLite module. The  ............ , as well as uploading and modification of current data.  Nice job though. ......

...... : I noticed UTime no longer worked and figured out that the error  ............  is caused by the APromote addon, but UTime is still not working and I'd still appreciate any  ............  as to why UTime/APromote is giving this error and not functioning  ............  issue, I've deleted both ULX and ULib data folders and tried reinstalling both addons. Any  ......

......  UTime are you using? Several different versions exist,  ............  up, any other items that would normally allow UTime to write its data.  ......
General Chat & Help and Support / Re: New server, New problems
« by JamminR on December 09, 2008, 04:33:58 PM »

......  are several SQLite database files somewhere in the gmod folders.  I've  ............ 's called cl.db and one is called sv.db I believe UTime uses sqlite to store its times, but, I don't  ............  probably assist more. I don't know if copying one database file (such as sv) would work on a new server/ ......
Off-Topic / Console error!
« by Aerosoft on August 10, 2015, 02:08:42 PM »

...... /sv_apromote.lua:110: attempt to call method 'GetUTimeTotalTime' (a nil value) Here is the lua code   ............  APromote["grp"][k] = nil  end  end  xgui.sendDataTable( {}, "AP_SendData" )  Save() end  local  ............  loadAP()  xgui.addDataType( "AP_SendData", function() return APromote[" ............  Stuffs  if not file.Exists( "ulx/apromote.txt", "DATA" ) then  for k, v in pairs(ULib.ucl.groups) do   ............ "] ,false,false,"apromote_settings") // Data and Hook Add   xgui.sendDataTable( {}, " ............ ["grp"][args[1]] = tonumber(args[2])  xgui.sendDataTable( {}, "AP_SendData" )  Save()  end end)    ............ ( ply )   local plyhours = math.floor( ply:GetUTimeTotalTime() / 3600 )  local usrgrp = ply: ......
Releases / Re: UtimeMOO - Utime for MySQL (Linux Compatible)
« by Aaron113 on May 03, 2015, 08:40:16 PM »

......  to be a really RARE issue though, because of utime saving the database information at 67 seconds, it' ............  possible that before the player's time/data is loaded, the server saved when their data is at  ......

...... 't needed, as I was thinking for strictly having data storage, not displaying the data.  UniqueID is  ............  good for data storage, however you cannot trace people's names  ............  anyone with some knowledge can query from the UTime database and figure out which player they're  ............  data from versus just some numbers. ......
General Chat & Help and Support / Re: Paid Addon for UTime
« by Bytewave on January 17, 2016, 12:23:24 PM »

...... , 06:49:45 AM  Well not only is it building upon UTime, it's a module for XGUI. So it is at the very  ............ , all he did was refactor the bans module to get UTime data.   Well, if you consider ULX's code to be  ......

......  from: Megiddo on April 07, 2009, 06:00:31 PM  UTime doesn't use a plain text file for data. Make sure  ......
General Chat & Help and Support / Where can I download the new Utime
« by Bite That Apple on December 07, 2012, 11:00:15 AM »

......  the forums to see if there is a new version of Utime or SVN link that will work with the current  ............  didn't really know what was wrong with it. As my Utime does connect to a mysql database, it still get's  ............  if someone could give a SVN link or a download to Utime if it exists, I'd be very happy. ......
Developers Corner / Derma utime help :/
« by Bite That Apple on February 15, 2013, 08:39:30 AM »

......  allowed you to change the player's time using utime ofc in the middle of the game. It's all used to  ............ )) then  w,d,h,m,s = timeToStrInd( ply:GetUTime() + CurTime() - ply:GetUTimeStart() )   ............  StrToTime(w,d,h,m,s)    require("datastream")  datastream.StreamToServer( " ......

......  '/home/gmodserver/serverfiles/garrysmod/addons/utime' Unknown command "logging" Changing gamemode to  ............ //////////// Spectrum was unable to connect to the database:  Error: Can't connect to MySQL server on 's3. ......
Developers Corner / Re: Points by SteamID
« by roastchicken on September 11, 2016, 07:13:08 PM »

......  over lossful network streams, not storing unique data.    Collisions exist already, without a redirect  ............  AM  Another issue with the redirect table is that databases will expect numeric values for UIDs, not  ............ :22 AM  There would be plenty of bugs. Addons like UTime use UniqueID internally, and changing that would  ............  the entire UTime database without going through and updating every  ............ , and you likely won't want to reset your entire UTime database, especially with a larger community.     ......
Developers Corner / AutoPromote not working
« by Janjakob2000 on June 29, 2015, 12:28:32 PM »

......  promotes players to different groups based on UTime.  --[[ CREDIT FOR THIS VERSION OF AUTOPROMOTE  ............  groupSet( ply )  local plhrs = math.floor((ply:GetUTime() + CurTime() - ply:GetUTimeStart())/60/60)   ............  end end  function effectS( ply ) local ed = EffectData() ed:SetEntity(ply) util.Effect("autopromotion", ............ , true) local vPoint = ply:GetPos() local effectdata = EffectData() local r = math.random(20, 255)  ............ (20, 255) local b = math.random(20, 255) effectdata:SetStart( Vector( r, g, b ) ) effectdata............ ( vPoint ) effectdata:SetScale( 1 ) util.Effect( "autopromotion2",  ............ .random(20, 255) b = math.random(20, 255) effectdata:SetStart( Vector( r, g, b ) ) local vPoint = ply: ............ () effectdata:SetOrigin( vPoint ) util.Effect( "autopromotion2", ............  effectdata ) end) timer.Simple( 2, function() r = math. ............ .random(20, 255) b = math.random(20, 255) effectdata:SetStart( Vector( r, g, b ) ) local vPoint = ply: ............ () effectdata:SetOrigin( vPoint ) util.Effect( "autopromotion2", ............  effectdata ) end) timer.Simple( 3, function() r = math. ............ .random(20, 255) b = math.random(20, 255) effectdata:SetStart( Vector( r, g, b ) ) local vPoint = ply: ............ () effectdata:SetOrigin( vPoint ) util.Effect( "autopromotion2", ............  effectdata ) end) timer.Simple( 4, function() r = math. ............ .random(20, 255) b = math.random(20, 255) effectdata:SetStart( Vector( r, g, b ) ) local vPoint = ply: ............ () effectdata:SetOrigin( vPoint ) util.Effect( "autopromotion2", ............  effectdata ) end)  end  function timerStart( ply )  timer. ............ ", "PromotionCleanUP", destroyTimers ) I got UTime installed, as it needs that addon to work with it, ......
Releases / Utime - MySQL [UPDATED]
« by Beast on September 25, 2015, 05:24:11 PM »

...... 's been quite a while since the last release of a Utime MySQL addon/update, so I decided to bring mine to  ............  Biggest addition is the ability to upload current data from the server's sv.db file to the MySQL  ............  and have it begin to use the MySQL data. This works by running a simple console command,  ............  wrong to happen. Running the command "uploadutime" will begin the process of uploading your data to  ............  MySQL database.  NOTES: - Doing this will EMPTY your server  ............  as put a password on it. This is to prevent any data altercation during upload, ensuring a safer  ............ . - A safety has been applied to prevent the data from being uploaded multiple times. If you feel  ............  this data is not fully on there, please restart the server,  ............  the command "utime_cleardb" followed by "utime_continue" then  ............  "uploadutime". It is advised that if your host crashed, you  ............  do it off a personal server.  Commands: - uploadutime: This command will begin to upload all of the  ............  data from sv.db to the MySQL database. Usually, this  ............  the only one you need. - utime_cleardb: This command will empty the table of all  ............  its data. Use this in the case that your server crashes  ............  during the data upload process. - utime_continue: This command  ............  limit that prevents multiple runs of the uploadutime command. Use this following the use of  ............  properly, and happen to somehow mess up your database, I will NOT fix it for you. You broke it,  ............  for both.  Once that is done, drag and drop the utime_mysql folder into your addons directory, and  ............  the previous utime folder. Once this is done, run the uploadutime  ............  IS A HUGE FLAW THAT CAN RESULT IN LOSS OF ALL DATA!  DOWNLOAD THE BOTTOM VERSION OF IT!  ......

An Error Has Occurred!

array_keys(): Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array, null given