General => Developers Corner => Topic started by: tearsofdeath on February 11, 2017, 07:31:17 AM
something like when a player types !link the server responds with google.com.
First off is there already a command like this? and if not could someone help me with coding it, I'm pretty noobish at coding but this seems simple enough
thanks for reading-Tears
Check out this command I made (https://github.com/iViscosity/Viscosity-Commands/blob/iViscosity-experimental/VCommands/lua/ulx/modules/sh/vg_util.lua#L70)and see if you could mess with it to do what you'd like.
Sent from Tapatalk. Owner of iViscosity Gaming.
You could also search our developers corner for example code, because, it's been asked a few times before.
So much so, that, you also could have searched our releases forum section and found this
Plenty of example how to code about.