Ulysses Stuff => General Chat & Help and Support => Topic started by: Narcotix on May 07, 2017, 01:16:08 PM
So I have recently started up a Garry's Mod server and for the first week or so I could use all ulx commands freely and then one day I loaded on and I couldn't use a large amount of commands due to them being moved to _Uncategorized including model, clearragdolls, removeragdolls. these 3 commands are very essential to swrp and i have tried everything to get this fixed. I have went through all of my addons and deleted any addons that have anything to do with ulx except for ulx and ulib (obviously). I cant seem to find where the coding for the actual commands are or i would've tried that. if you have any idea on why this is happening or this has happened to you let me know!
It's marked as uncategorized because you uninstalled the mod that had those commands. Those commands are not part of default ULX. To fix, reinstall the mod that contains them.
It's marked as uncategorized because you uninstalled the mod that had those commands. Those commands are not part of default ULX. To fix, reinstall the mod that contains them.
In the past ive only ever had ulx installed and it worked
not to mention isnt Model a default ulx permission
not to mention isnt Model a default ulx permission
ULX has none of these commands by default.
See our FAQ for what ULX has - What ulx commands should I see in "ulx help"? (https://forums.ulyssesmod.net/index.php/topic,3254.0.html)
model, clearragdolls, removeragdoll are not in default ULX.
You would have had to installed a custom mod, not made by us in Team Ulysses.