General => Developers Corner => Topic started by: Rain on July 07, 2017, 10:57:29 AM
Recently i have noticed after alot of coding that my jobs dont spawn with their extra weapons eg, police wont spawn with their arrest batons, unarrest ect or any added weapons i have given them like fas_glock20. here is the police job line :
TEAM_POLICE = DarkRP.createJob("Police Officer", {
color = Color(25, 25, 170, 255),
model = {"models/gta5/player/citycoppm.mdl"},
description = [[]],
weapons = {"arrest_stick", "unarrest_stick", "fas2_glock20", "sj_handcuffs", "stunstick", "keypad_cracker", "la_grabber", "door_ram", "weaponchecker"},
command = "police",
max = 8,
salary = 320,
admin = 0,
vote = true,
hasLicense = true,
ammo = {
["fas2_ammo_pistol"] = 60,
but this applies to all my custom jobs with things like lockpicks ect, there is no errors and i mean no errors to be found! i have -condebug on etc and have found absolutely nothing please help!
How many custom jobs do you have? Is this the first job in the file? There may be a job near the top of your file that is causing some sort of error which makes the rest of the file unloaded.
Also are you editing the darkrpmodification or the core files? FPtje specifically says NOT to edit core files, and ONLY the custom files, so that could be your problem but I'd assume not if you're using the modification addon.
Everything was fine with my jobs earlier, they spawned with everything correctly, i tried deleting and adding darkrp fresh and it didnt change, im going to delete and add everything fresh until i find the cause. the problem was every single job was not spawning with any weapons other than phys gun and grav gun pocket and tool gun.
just reinstalled darkrp and modifications and still not fixed my bet it is an addon, also i was doing alot of HUD work and small things this is why i havent been able to remember/pin point when it went wrong!
had to do a server restore still unsure of the cause but thanks for replying, its fixed now.
Most likely was one of the addons causing conflicts. Some addons have conflicts with how DarkRP handles giving weapons, so that could've been it.