General => Off-Topic => Topic started by: iViscosity on November 01, 2017, 07:07:27 AM
College is only a year away for me, but I need to get a head start on getting a laptop for school. I've been looking at a couple on Amazon (Links: VivoBook $499 (on sale from $599) (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0762S8PYM/_encoding=UTF8?coliid=I1UV0P74FU2VGT&colid=1GX2V2B7OW9Q7), P-Series $499 (on sale from $599) (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XJJG4PD/_encoding=UTF8?coliid=I2GJ3H3MHRTPYB&colid=1GX2V2B7OW9Q7), ZenBook $749 (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B075N1YHVK/_encoding=UTF8?coliid=I176EUGOFT1STJ&colid=1GX2V2B7OW9Q7)) but I'd like to get some opinions. The ZenBook is the one I'm gravitating towards, due to the SSD and 8th gen processor (the VivoBook also has an 8th gen) as well as the fact my friend also has one of these and he really likes it. I'm also looking for one that's going to last me for a while; I'm going to be using this for both my senior year in HS and college.
Keep in mind I'm thinking of doing little to no gaming on here, this will be strictly for school need and minor gaming here and there.
I really only plan to have Google Chrome and Eclipse on here, so storage space is not an issue, and the 256GB SSD of the ZenBook is what really appeals to me, but if any of you have opinions on laptops you use/like or what you think about the other ones on here, please let me know :)
Edit: P.S., I hate touchpads so I'll be getting a mouse with it, too, but probably nothing too expensive (<$40), any suggestions?
ASUS makes great laptops in my opinion.
Here is the one I bought a couple of years back for school and (minor gaming): https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834232753
They don't sell this model anymore, but some of the ones you posted are comparable. Definitely get the SSD though.. makes all the difference!
If storage is an issue, you could always get a larger SSD: https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Delectronics&field-keywords=SAMSUNG+850+evo
Yeah, the $749 ZenBook with the SSD was definitely the one I was considering heavily. Luckily one of my teachers would be able to help me put in a new SSD if I need storage (which I doubt). Thanks for the help.
Wife got a beefy 4k Asus through costco for her digital media grad program courses early 2016.
It's huge/kinda heavy, but she (and our pets) have abused it really well with little to no shown wear/tear.
It travelled cross country on a month and a half trip pre fall semester.
I've always liked a majority of the Asus products I've owned.
I'm with MrP - I vote Asus.
(Like every other vendor, find research on what bloatware to uninstall after you get it)
Never had an Asus. Made the horrible, horrible mistake of getting a Toshiba... Never doing that again lol. I'm excited to try it out, thanks fellas.
Hey iViscosity, if your family/friends/neighbors have a Costco membership and a store near you, they might have a laptop display setup.
I was in my local one today and they had 3-4 ASUS laptops in a display. You could at least check out some of the bigger models and get a 'feel' for the build quality.
I don't think I have a Costco nearby but I can check.
I think you asked for a mouse
and the Logitech M310 has been amazing. It's lasted me a whole while
computers on the other hand i dont really know much about. :\