
General => Off-Topic => Topic started by: backstab on December 15, 2007, 08:32:19 AM

Title: question about weapon spawn list
Post by: backstab on December 15, 2007, 08:32:19 AM
Hi guys,
im new to this whole ulx stuff, i got it running on my server fine without any problems now, but i have a question.
is it possible to remove stuff from the weapon spawn list in the server?

thx, me

(sorry for my sometimes a little crappy english =P im from holland)
Title: Re: question about weapon spawn list
Post by: MrPresident on December 15, 2007, 09:55:50 AM
If they are sweps you've installed.. just delete them.. Garrysmod/lua/weapons

If they are the CS:S ones that come with Gmod.. go into

each weapon will have its own folder.. (usually) just delete the ones you don't wish to have anymore..

Glad to help you.. but just fyi.. this has nothing to do with ULX.
Title: Re: question about weapon spawn list
Post by: backstab on December 16, 2007, 01:18:44 AM
k thx  ;D,
i thought maybe ulx had some handy tool to edit the weapon spawn list  :P, but thanks anyway :)

Oh, another question (maybe again stupid, but seems im too stupid to figure it out myself  :P):
is it possible to remove stuff from the forceddownload thingy? ??? (again, sorry for my n0obness  :-\
Title: Re: question about weapon spawn list
Post by: Megiddo on December 16, 2007, 09:56:25 AM
k thx  ;D,
i thought maybe ulx had some handy tool to edit the weapon spawn list  :P, but thanks anyway :)

Oh, another question (maybe again stupid, but seems im too stupid to figure it out myself  :P):
is it possible to remove stuff from the forceddownload thingy? ??? (again, sorry for my n0obness  :-\

Yes, just take it out of the config.
Title: Re: question about weapon spawn list
Post by: backstab on December 20, 2007, 11:13:32 AM
ok.. already thought of that but it doesnt show up in the config  :-\,
neither do all the admin stuff and everthing but it works fine  ???
Title: Re: question about weapon spawn list
Post by: MrPresident on December 20, 2007, 01:35:14 PM
ok.. already thought of that but it doesnt show up in the config  :-\,
neither do all the admin stuff and everthing but it works fine  ???

He meant your forceDownload thing.. if something is being force downloaded and it is not being done so by ULX, than its not a ULX problem. You'll have to search your addon files and see which ones use the addresource callbacks.. this is typically what causes users to download content when they connect.. ULX just provides an easy way to do this.