
Ulysses Stuff => General Chat & Help and Support => Topic started by: Mutank on December 16, 2007, 09:12:29 AM

Title: Admin Issue (Not you average issue)
Post by: Mutank on December 16, 2007, 09:12:29 AM
I installed ulx properly with ulib blah blah blah, and it says im superadmin, but it always says i dont have acsess to any commands and is acting like i dont have superadmin. It says when i join, welcome mutank, ure in teh group superadmin but then nothing. I want to modify the ulib/users.txt file so i can have admin for sure. Superadmin status.

I have the latest version of ulx and yes the server does reconize it installed
Title: Re: Admin Issue (Not you average issue)
Post by: MrPresident on December 16, 2007, 09:40:16 AM
try deleting data/ULib folder and restart your server.
you might have a broken user file system.

Also.. it's never advised to edit ULib/users.txt.. unless of course you mean data/ULib/users.txt
Title: Re: Admin Issue (Not you average issue)
Post by: Mutank on December 16, 2007, 04:52:35 PM
ok now i just discovered that none of the mods and ulx can read the users.txt in the settings folder, ive tried remaking and coping my old workin users.txt files but so far no luck. This issue is getting wireder every minute
Title: Re: Admin Issue (Not you average issue)
Post by: MrPresident on December 16, 2007, 09:15:17 PM
if you are using ULX on a dedicated server, there is no need for the users.txt file in the settings folder. I dont use it at all on my servers.

If you have access to the dedicated console window, type ulx adduser <name> superadmin in your dedicated console and it should add you to superadmin group.. from there you can add people to admin and superadmin from within game with that command in your game console.

ALso.. you'll need to be connected to the server before you use that command.
Title: Re: Admin Issue (Not you average issue)
Post by: Mutank on December 17, 2007, 02:12:24 PM
I just did that and it said on the console im added 2 the group superadmin and as soon as a try a command it says i dont have acsess
Title: Re: Admin Issue (Not you average issue)
Post by: MrPresident on December 17, 2007, 02:18:30 PM
Did you try deleting your data/ULib folder like I suggested at first? You may have a bad build of it. reinstalling ULX wont fix this unless you delete this folder manually..

Try removing that folder.. restarting your server, then entering that command in you console dedicated screen.

If that still doesn't fix it.. then you've stumped me.
Title: Re: Admin Issue (Not you average issue)
Post by: Mutank on December 17, 2007, 02:31:30 PM
Still no work, other mods say im not admin in the users.txt file and ulx says im in the group superadmin but doesnt allow any commands, showd i delete the users.txt in settings and see if that will fix anything?
Title: Re: Admin Issue (Not you average issue)
Post by: MrPresident on December 17, 2007, 07:08:40 PM
try it.. the way that ulx works is that it adds you to the admin group and any other mods that use IsAdmin or IsSuperAdmin.. so its not neccissary to use the file in settings at all. Delete that file.. and do what I told you to do with the command from your console. This should give you access on all your other mods as well...
Title: Re: Admin Issue (Not you average issue)
Post by: Mutank on December 18, 2007, 09:39:39 AM
I tried adding myself from the console and it said in the server im the "superadmin" group but still gives me no acsess. If you want, ill message you acsess to my online game server and u can check it yourself.
Title: Re: Admin Issue (Not you average issue)
Post by: Megiddo on December 18, 2007, 10:30:50 AM
Read the sticky and follow the directions in there.
Title: Re: Admin Issue (Not you average issue)
Post by: MrPresident on December 18, 2007, 12:06:46 PM
Mutank.. if you absolutely cant get it working yourself.. contact me on AIM (zakapetty) or SteamFriends (MrPettyman) and assuming you would trust me with temporary access to your server's ftp.. I could get your server working for you.. It wouldn't be the first time I've done this for a complete stranger.. But don't take that for granted.. if you can't figure this out on your own, it's going to be hard for you to run a respectable and good server in the first place.. (don't take that as an insult...) But if you can't figure it out, I'd be more than happy to help you and also tell you what was wrong too.

[sidenote] I've just about hacked my server to .. so with nothing left for me to do with my servers.. it's fun to play with other peoples' every once in a while... =) [/sidenote]