General => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Seige on December 30, 2007, 07:42:24 AM
Where would i put the html code so it would be in the backround. an someone give me an example? ???
<img src="http://blahblah.jpg">
<img src="http://blahblah.jpg">
No crap. Im not a newb. I wanna know where in the MOTD to put it to make it the backround, not the code.
<body background="imagefilename.jpg">
the image you link to will need to be hosted on a web server though. I dont believe that the HTML parser supports local image pathing.
Zakap, correct. Any image would need to be hosted on a webserver, and directly accessable.
Moving to Off-Topic. HTML tutorial ~= ULX/ULib chat, help or support.