General => Off-Topic => Topic started by: JINX on August 09, 2006, 06:31:55 AM
what does it do???
Related to ULX, it makes the player you've 'gimped' say randomly selected phrases, previously set up by you.
So if you gimp someone, they say 'hi' in chat, instead of others seeing 'hi', lines you've set in configs will be said.
Personally I find it annoying (to use, and of course especially if I'm gimped), but it seems to be a hit with other admins.
so how can u set these phrases i want them to say things like Im The Gimp!!!
or have the word Gimp above his head
ULX v1.13
Near bottom of gmod9/lua/ulx/ulx_fun.lua
table.insert lines
ULX v2.
See top gmod9/lua/ulx/configs/server.ini