
General => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Dv2236 on January 22, 2009, 11:49:10 AM

Title: keepragdolls command
Post by: Dv2236 on January 22, 2009, 11:49:10 AM
I know this is not a problem to have to do with Ulysses team! but I'm just looking for some help wear ever I can find it, This options has been pissing me off for months.

first off I will tell you all I have no addons installed at all for this test and I installed Gmod fresh and clean.
I also know about the NPC menu button for keep corpses!

Now the thing that gets me is the command ai_keepragdolls/ that button in npc menu works in singleplayer! but not in multiplayer?

any ideas?
Title: Re: keepragdolls command
Post by: JamminR on January 22, 2009, 02:29:11 PM
Tried setting it in your server's server.cfg?
Title: Re: keepragdolls command
Post by: Dv2236 on January 22, 2009, 02:37:45 PM
Yes I have. sadly still nogo :-\

Something I also found kinda funny, in singleplayer you jump alittle bit higher than in MP.
 I have tested both of this in a dedicated server and hosting with the client BTW.
Title: Re: keepragdolls command
Post by: JamminR on January 22, 2009, 08:41:59 PM
Google is your friend.
I searched for the term "ai_keepragdolls".
It found your post on facepunch within the top 5, in which someone said they thought Ragdolls were client side.
Makes sense. Ragdolls could lag a server. It's why the limit for them not be too high.
Now, on page 2 of the search results, I found code for something called Z-day project.
WITHIN that are TWO commands, including the ai_keepragdolls.
The second will probably help out in keeping ragdolls on the server.
"ai_keepragdolls 1"
"ai_force_serverside_ragdoll 1"

If that doesn't work, no idea what else to suggest at this point.
Good luck, and if it works, you're welcome.

Title: Re: keepragdolls command
Post by: Dv2236 on January 23, 2009, 12:01:33 PM
sorry for the delay on the reply, but I have tried that command and feeling kinda dumb that I did not see it when I did "find ragdoll" in the command menu.

sadly to say though it did not work. I know it use to work a long long time ago, but for what ever reason garry's team I guess just dont want anyone to use it in MP!

also i only tested that "ai_force_serverside_ragdoll 1" command in client hosted MP, I'm having majer hard core problems with my domain/DNS/webhost/webmail so just did not have the time.