
General => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Megiddo on October 18, 2006, 05:10:02 PM

Title: Megiddo's new computer!
Post by: Megiddo on October 18, 2006, 05:10:02 PM
That's right, I finally buckled down and got rid of my 2.2 Ghz 768 MB monster and upgraded!

Here's the specs for my new computer:
Intel Core 2 Duo Processor E6400 2.13GHz 1066MHz 2MB LGA775 CPU
Asus P5N32-SLI Premium (nForce 590 SLI Intel Edition Core 2 chipset)
eVGA GeForce 7900 GTO PCI Express 512MB
Crucial Technology Ballistix BL2KIT12864AA804 2GB kit DDR2-800 PC2-6400
Seagate ST3250620AS 250GB SATA2 7200rpm 16MB Hard Drive
SAMSUNG 18X DVD±R DVD Burner With 12X DVD-RAM Write, LightScribe Technology Black SH-S182M/BEBN
Thermaltake CL-P0114 Big Typhoon 4 in 1 Heatpipes CPU Fan

The PSU is:
Ultra ULT31852 X2 X-Connect 550W Power Supply (Titanium w/UV Blue)


The case is:


These are all stock photos, I'll take some pictures once I get all the parts and put it together.  :D

My plans for the case:
I'll be taking out those LED fans and replacing them with UV reactive fans without LEDs. This way, I can switch off all the bright lights when I go to bed.  ;)
I realize there will still be light from the PSU and the front of the case. If the case is bright, I'll just solder in a switch... and I'll just have to hope the PSU isn't very bright.

Before I install an OS, I'll be testing RAID 0/RAID 1 performance to see which I want to use (I'll do this from a live cd). I'll post any benchmarks I do in here.  :P

I've been researching parts for my new computer for the past three months, so it better be good!  :)
Title: Re: Megiddo's new computer!
Post by: Toasty2 on October 18, 2006, 06:02:03 PM
Not bad  ;)

Hope you enjoy it.
Title: Re: Megiddo's new computer!
Post by: Brett900 on October 18, 2006, 06:33:09 PM
Not bad  ;)

Hope you enjoy it.


                                                       Have fun :D
Title: Re: Megiddo's new computer!
Post by: Stickly Man! on October 19, 2006, 07:39:30 PM
Niiice, I'm guessing you'll want to have a LAN party as soon as you get it  :P            ... crap... now i want a better computer :(
Title: Re: Megiddo's new computer!
Post by: Golden-Death on October 20, 2006, 12:07:22 AM
I dunno, I just can't bring myself to leaving good 'ol betsie.


Title: Re: Megiddo's new computer!
Post by: Megiddo on October 20, 2006, 03:48:39 PM
Holy CRAP! I got about 3/4ths of all the parts today... but I'm absolutely shocked by the size of the CPU heatsink. I knew it was going to be big from reviews, but this is about half the size of a basketball!

/me hopes it will fit inside his case.


Here's some pictures, but I still don't think they do this justice!

Here's the heatsink versus the old one I had for my AMD XP 2600+

Here's the heatsink versus my hand
Title: Re: Megiddo's new computer!
Post by: Golden-Death on October 20, 2006, 10:21:49 PM
All hail Megiddo's hand.
Title: Re: Megiddo's new computer!
Post by: JamminR on October 21, 2006, 09:34:09 AM
Sexy (you guess which I'm talking about)  ;D ;) :P :P
Title: Re: Megiddo's new computer!
Post by: Golden-Death on October 22, 2006, 01:02:58 AM
Sexy (you guess which I'm talking about)  ;D ;) :P :P
All hail Megiddo's hand.

Oh yeaaah.
Title: My sad story of not having a floppy drive
Post by: Megiddo on October 23, 2006, 06:45:29 PM
Well, assembling it was rather uneventful... accept for the CPU heatsink (which barely fits by the way!).

When I got to installing windows, I realized there was a fatal flaw in my plans. You can't install XP on a RAID without a driver disk, and I had no floppy drive. It was a logical choice for me to shun the floppy drive, as I have not used one in 3 years, but who knew that in order to use newer technology, you'd have to rely on older technology?

In the end I just put the drivers directly in the XP driver repository on the CD.
Title: Re: Megiddo's new computer!
Post by: Megiddo on October 23, 2006, 09:19:14 PM
Apparently that massive heatsink does it's job, my CPU is idling at 69 degrees F... room temperature is 64 degrees F. I should mention my motherboard is running at 95 degrees F. I've never seen a computer with a CPU temperature lower than the motherboard...
Title: Re: Megiddo's new computer!
Post by: H²-=NooB=- on October 24, 2006, 11:14:08 AM
Yes not bad.

But the temperature is high i think ^^, for my "little" system  i know it's never going over 20°C, it's right now at 18°C. Of course i got watercooling :).

For the rest pretty fine man :D
Title: Re: Megiddo's new computer!
Post by: Terminal58 on October 27, 2006, 07:17:06 PM
eVGA GeForce 7900 GTO PCI Express 512MB

Don't get Vista.
It ruined DoD and 2142 Battlefield and Dark Messiah and so many bugs! *cry*
Title: Re: Megiddo's new computer!
Post by: Mank on October 29, 2006, 12:16:21 PM
Apparently that massive heatsink does it's job, my CPU is idling at 69 degrees F... room temperature is 64 degrees F. I should mention my motherboard is running at 95 degrees F. I've never seen a computer with a CPU temperature lower than the motherboard...
Then you have had some either very cold CPU's, or very hot motherboards.  My CPU's are always hotter than the mobo.

Also, I see this it he computer you were talking to me about, looks nice.
Title: Re: Megiddo's new computer!
Post by: Megiddo on October 29, 2006, 12:18:10 PM
Here's a picture of the temps:

(http://img317.imageshack.us/img317/9882/desktopae4.jpg) (http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/7548/desktopys2.jpg)

(Click to see full thing)
Title: Re: Megiddo's new computer!
Post by: Golden-Death on October 29, 2006, 11:37:58 PM
I see you still use my wallpapers place!

Assuming Im correct in remembering that I pointed you to them

Title: Re: Megiddo's new computer!
Post by: Megiddo on October 30, 2006, 06:00:20 AM
Nah, I learned about it when my church started using it. :P
Title: Re: Megiddo's new computer!
Post by: Golden-Death on October 30, 2006, 03:31:56 PM
Title: Re: Megiddo's new computer!
Post by: Megiddo on October 30, 2006, 03:53:10 PM
Har har har.
Title: Re: Megiddo's new computer!
Post by: spbogie on October 30, 2006, 04:39:32 PM
Can we get some pics of the computer itself? The stock photos just don't do it justice I'm sure.
Title: Re: Megiddo's new computer!
Post by: Megiddo on October 30, 2006, 05:54:18 PM
Hehe, as soon as I get off my lazy butt and finish it, sure. Still need to put in the UV stuff.