General => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Stephen304 on February 19, 2010, 01:41:38 PM
I think its broken due to something but i think it may have been something i did to ulx so i figured i should let you guys take alook at it because i really don't know what to do.
Debugdump is attached.
This is the equivalent to me telling you that my arm is broken and proceeding to tell you about all the relatives in my family. We can't help you with what you've given us.
:/ wtf am i supposed to do? It was working and i only changed usergroups and now toolgun doesnt work and its a 9mm pistol but it still shoots the blue laser im confuddled.
Im pretty sure it was because of usergroups or something. Thats all that changed.
Gmod lua is pretty verbose. When using said broken tool, it will;
1) show error in server console at startup of server.
2) show error in client console at connection of player
3) show error in server console when selected.
4) show error in client console when selected.
5) show error in server console when fired/used.
6) show error in client console when fired/used.
7) Any combination of 1 to 6
I get this immediately on join:
weapons\gmod_tool\stools/wire_touchplate.lua:1: attempt to index global 'WireToolSetup' (a nil value)
That's it. I didn't say any errors because i don't think this has to do with the toolgun...
Toolgun is stuck on advanced duplicator, won't change tools, it has 30 ammo and the model is a 9mm pistol.
That error from wire does deal with the toolgun actually, and I think that's likely the cause of your problem.
Egad. Again we see errors from the 'unofficial wiremod extras" pack.
I forget what it broke before, but it was something within ULX.
See Dec 29 mention of the file. No idea what version you're running, but I'd remove the unofficial wiremod extras pack from my client and server just to be safe.
If you're using a pack you downloaded from somewhere (garrysmod.org), I'd google how to get the latest SVN.
The reason most use SVN as release method is for quick fix/updates.
[EDIT] - Found it.. didn't break ULX, just didn't work with UPS due to (bad?) non-similiar spawn method.
Wait wut? I don't use ups, i use spp... unless some part of ups comes with ulib or ulx...
No, I'm saying that it is my belief something from the Unofficial wire extras pack is breaking your toolgun.
Nothing to do with UPS..just that I saw the extras pack break stuff before.
Make sure you have latest SVN of all wire related packs...garry made an update recently that broke wiremod..it's likely it broke the extras pack too. Wire team fixed thier code...did the unofficial wire extras team?
You should research that, if not, try removing the wire extras pack.
Wire extras svn already 100% up to date.
Wiremod had a small update, only 2 files changed:
H:\Program Files\SVN Dump\Wire Mod\lua\wire\client\TextEditor.lua
H:\Program Files\SVN Dump\Wire Mod\lua\wire\client\toolscreen.lua
Not sure if those files matter though...
Looks like the wire extras is probably trying to refer to something that wire doesn't have anymore.
And that's breaking the entire toolgun? If its that big of a problem i would expect them to notice by now and fix it... plus this problem doesn't correlate with me updating anything... in fact before now i hadn't updated my server in maybe a month...
Garry broke wiremod... Toolguns broke.... Wire updated, Extras probably didn't.
Remember, wiremod does not equal extras
What part of "You should try removing wiremod extras" do you not understand?
What part of "You should try removing wiremod extras" do you not understand?
I think it was the "You should try" part... people anymore expect everyone else to just dish out the answers and solutions for them...
@Stephen304 - It'll take 5 minutes for you to open your addons folder... grab the wiremod extras addon.. and move it out of your addons folder. IF the toolgun is still broken.. we can work from there.. its hard to help someone troubleshoot over the internet when they are stubborn to try what the solvers request. We're not asking you to get rid of it forever.. simply for you to try your server without it to rule out the fact that it COULD be it breaking your tool gun. If its not.. put it back.. if it IS.. then you look for updates or leave it uninstalled.
*facepalm* I'm not supposed to use the computer on weekdays. I can't play gmod to test my server from my Barnes and Nobles nook. It's not my fault. Toolgun is still broken.